Lawfare: Democrats Target 400 GOP Lawyers and Politicos – Any Election Attorneys left?

Criminal Charges and disbarment. LAWFARE: Will there be any Republican Lawyers Left to Ensure Election Integrity in November? While many who got too close to Hillary seemed to have their lives shortened, those close to Trump at the minimum have the loss of their law licenses on the hook, worse criminal charges and jail. How many attorneys are still out there and willing to assist in challenging the upcoming election process and result? At what price to them?

Republican candidates are being forced to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in defending themselves against the lawfare waged against them. And that is assuming that these Republican candidates can find lawyers to represent them. Fewer and fewer lawyers are willing to do so.

Thus, hundreds of millions of dollars that would have otherwise been raised for Republican candidates is being diverted to their defense funds. Of course, taxpayers pay for this because government lawyers are paid from your tax dollars. Dedicating so many lawyers to prosecute Republicans gives Democrat District Attorneys an alibi as to why they can’t pursue real criminals.

The Soros backed 65 project is behind much of this, who claims to be bi-partisan but no Democrat is on the list.


Influence Watch describes the group thus:

The 65 Project is a campaign targeting lawyers who aided attempts by then-President Donald Trump and his supporters to overturn the 2020 election results using advertisements, threats of disbarment, and changing rules within the American Bar Association, ostensibly to deter future similar efforts.

The 65 Project was “devised” by Democratic consultant and former Clinton administration official Melissa Moss. It is a project of Law Works, a group with no website or public financial disclosures. 1 LawWorks has previously received grants from public policy-oriented foundation Democracy Fund and is a fiscal project of the Franklin Education Forum, a nonprofit organization that provides training and support to, “advance and broaden the appeal of the progressive cause.” 2 3

With that said, this is a “first” for me. I picked up the story from “X” from a moniker Amuse – with 320K followers and runs a subscription. I had heard bits and pieces about this story, and this fellow appears to have put the thing together. I checked out a number of names here and there and so far seems on target.

Here goes… go to the link below for the whole thing.

Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings ahead of the upcoming presidential election. They have successfully jailed Peter Navarro, with Steve Bannon expected to join him shortly. In multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of Republican lawyers and politicians, including:
  • Georgia: 19 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Arizona: 18 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Michigan: 16 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Nevada: 6 Republicans arrested and charged
  • Pennsylvania & Wisconsin: Are still conducting criminal investigations into as many as 30 Republicans who have yet to be charged
In addition to these criminal trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts to have Republican lawyers disbarred. The Soros-backed 65 Project has filed disbarment proceedings against more than 100 Republican lawyers, which prevent many of these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded.
In almost every case, the charges lack merit, but they have three primary impacts: a chilling effect that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump, and a time drain that physically keeps them busy during the campaign.
This weekend, Arizona Democrats even crashed Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday party to serve him with a criminal indictment. One day earlier, the same Democrats arrested John Eastman, President Trump’s former attorney. His indictment and arrest are shocking because he was never involved with any litigation or hearings in Arizona and never talked to anyone there during or after the election. Additionally, he’s facing disbarment in California after a judge recommended his removal as a lawyer. (He was just disbarred.)
Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

Why the Left’s Project 65, an attempt to destroy the careers and lives of lawyers who worked for Trump on his election challenges, is a profound assault on the rule of law.

This is from two years ago.

Disbarment:  Go to the link below and it includes an update that:
Lists 74 additional attorney disbarment letters as well as the names of all of the attorneys charged.

The best of the swamp.

31 Responses to “Lawfare: Democrats Target 400 GOP Lawyers and Politicos – Any Election Attorneys left?”

  1. It’s not just Biden we have to worry about, it is his whole set of machines – Mark 1:1 Says:

    […] we know from Bunker’s post on the 65 Project and the way it has targeted Republicans and the lawyers who defend them, Democrats have gone all in […]


  2. Layers of lawfare in the Biden regime, part 2 – Mark 1:1 Says:

    […] we know from Bunker’s post on the 65 Project and the way it has targeted Republicans and the lawyers who defend them, Democrats have gone all in […]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Don Says:

    Commies at work.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lawfare: Democrats Target 400 GOP Lawyers and Politicos | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Compatriots | Vermont Folk Troth Says:

    […] Lawfare: Democrats Target 400 GOP Lawyers and Politicos | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Compatrio… […]

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mustang Says:

    @ Mark —

    If you’re blaming Joe Biden for this, you missed the train.  Project 65 has been decades in the making, far beyond Biden’s cognitive ability or his resources.  Soros can get away with this because he is well protected by those who benefit from his scheming and financial resources.

    The very wealthy Soros (worth around $6.7 billion) devotes massive amounts of money to destroying the American Republic.  Meanwhile, Donald Trump is worth $7.7 billion, and he’s probably the only guy who can go toe-to-toe with Soros — financially.  Does he even know about Project 65?  Whatever happened to draining the swamp?  Is no one on the right capable of thinking outside the box?    

    Liked by 3 people

    • peter3nj Says:

      Surely D’Souza must know the Republicans will not and TV ever go toe to toe with the democrats; as we’ve seen they’re not even capable of making empty threats. No democrat wearing that D lapel button would even pay attention. As Mustang pointed out this is nothing new as the right has for years both ignored the bully while at the same time given him their lunch money.

      Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Mustang… I had read about various cases in different states, but had no idea the magnitude of the number involved. And there will be a bevy of foolish lawyers willing to put their head on the chopping block for this fall’s election when all the counting stops at 3:00am so they can figure how many votes they need? I think not.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Mustang Says:

        Bunks, you deserve special recognition for this post. It was eye-opening and scary, but you’ve done a remarkable service to your country and countrymen.  Thank you.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. wracinge8d1838a20 Says:

    back in 1993 ,the 101 California Street shooting was caused by corrupt lawyers basically doing lawfare on the shooter. They stole money from the shooter , then buried him in lawyer paper. Told him you dont like it , sue us . The guy was unable to fight them.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Bill Heffner Says:

    More evidence that we will never vote our way out of this mess. We all know what it will take to solve the problem, but saying so is against the law. That puts us in an ugly box.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. nrringlee Says:

    OK. Be outraged. But we have no right to be surprised by this lawfare effort. The Progressive New Left announced their intent decades ago. Many on our side failed to take this declaration of cultural and civil war seriously. We now pay the consequences.

    When faith in courts and justice erode folks start putting their faith in some of the finer products of John Moses Browning, et al. The Progressive New Left declared the war not knowing or admitting one central fact: a free people will remain free.

    Folks who see this all coming will not fight on unfriendly turf. They will shape the battlefield of this culture war to suit their strengths. If this does not get stopped in its track by the very legal profession now fostering it then folks will upend the card table and resort to that which is their strength.

    And the Progressive New Left will sit back astounded that some people will actually resist their magical thinking. There is a long, hot summer awaiting us. Be very ready.

    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Those of us who read the tea leaves were accused of being part of the tin foil brigade…. reaping the whirlwind? It will be a long hot summer.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Ed Bonderenka Says:

      Joe warned about those MAGA types in the hills….
      He’s right.
      Except about the hills.

      Liked by 3 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Maxine is on it as well:

        “Waters added, “We know that there are people aligned who are with him who follow him who are already practicing what their government is going to be under Trump.

        Not only are they planning on a civil war if they have to do that, but he is spelling it out specifically how and what they are going to do and how he is going to get revenge, how he is going to attack his enemies, all of these things.

        When he talks about race, we know, and I’m going to tell you again today, Donald Trump is a pure racist. I am worried that the attack is going to be on people of color.”

        Liked by 2 people

  9. GP Says:

    Dems like to cause conflict and then blames someone else for it.

    Liked by 5 people

  10. markone1blog Says:

    My normal schedule of doing my blogging before work has been fouled by an Internet outage; therefore, I am limited to pecking out a message on a phone.

    Still, let’s compare Joe’s words at Morehouse to these dictatorial acts. To me, Joe’s dark words, his dictatorial acts, and the lawfare all fit nicely.

    The one thing that doesn’t fit is any notion to vote Democrat.

    Liked by 2 people

    • peter3nj Says:

      And yet Mark this racist misanthropic selfish money grubbing pedophile POS, if one is to believe the polls, trails Trump by less than a whisker. The last time good prevailed over evil was … Obamacare, Bidenomics…. While we may be having trouble recalling when most Americans are at the mall.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. peter3nj Says:

    One might think Winnie the Pooh but Yogi and Boo Boo are a better fit. While those two might steal a few picnic baskets In this finale Mister Forest Ranger will prevail.,

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    When you take away legal recourse to resolve grievances with the government, when you remove access to the
    Soap Box,
    Ballot Box,
    Jury Box,
    that leaves the Ammo Box.

    We’re getting there.

    Go ahead. Poke the bear.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. peter3nj Says:

    Off topic:

    With Cabrini University closing its doors would believing it could be reopened as a school for Muslim girls be unrealistic? Here in my neck of the woods that has been the pattern as Catholic high schools close due to falling attendance.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. peter3nj Says:

    Would “Everyone” publicly declaring outrage be put on a list for investigation and subsequent reeducation following Biden’s win in November or be left alone since in the ensuing four years the country, should it still exist in anything more than in name only, where will be the threat with only one candidate running.
    Should Trump be found guilty in New York the floodgates will be officially open with the Soros DA’s needing only to follow the “how to” blue print set forth for running a kangaroo court. With the democrats winning both houses a foregone conclusion the new Supreme Court with its 14-16 members will be successfully nuetered until all so called “conservative “ justices can be weeded out by whatever means necessary.
    Last night’s Gutfeld with guest Bill Maher made no mention of Biden’s destructive administration while putting Trump’s personality under the microscope. Score: Maher 1, Gutfeld 0.

    Liked by 2 people

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