Bye Bye Megan Rapinoe and Your Unpleasant Life

She ends her career just as she ended the World Cup Quarterfinals last August. This time we get a bonus with her comment about God. How easy to forget her unpleasant life. Sadly she is revered in soccer circles regardless of that unpleasant life.

Rapinoe lamented her plight and said, “I mean, I don’t deserve this, I’ll tell you that much,” she told reporters. “I’m not a religious person or anything, but if there is a God, this is proof that there isn’t.”

Let’s take a look back.

Last August I posted the highlights of her vacuous life.

Megan Rapinoe had a chance to send the U.S. Women’s National Team to the World Cup quarterfinals, extending her final appearance in the tournament by at least one more game, but with a missed penalty kick it provided a sour ending to her storied career.

Karma- Megan Rapinoe Ends Soccer Career With Awful Missed Penalty Shot: ‘Dark Comedy’

Rapinoe blasted the ball over the right corner of the net and three rounds later the USWNT was eliminated on penalty kicks — failing to reach the semifinals for the first time. (NY Post)

The narcissist speaks last August:

“I mean, this is like a sick joke. For me personally, this is like dark comedy that I missed a penalty,” Rapinoe said as she blinked back tears. “This is the balance to the beautiful side of the game. I think it can be cruel.” The only thing Rapinoe got right was when she said, “I mean, this is like a sick joke.” Correct, you and your team are indeed a sick joke.


Breitbart picks it up:

So, when Megan Rapinoe was winning everything there was to win in the world of soccer, hosting awards shows, meeting heads of state, and generally enjoying fame and fortune far exceeding anyone who has ever played her sport, this was not proof of God’s existence. But as soon as she gets injured at the very tail end of her career, that is indisputable proof that God does not exist.

Everyone got that?

Seems like a healthy way of looking at the world. Of course, what it is, in fact, is the very thing Rapinoe and her leftist cohorts claim to hate the most: privilege. Megan Rapinoe has had one of the most storied careers in soccer history – male or female soccer – in addition to all other accolades she’s compiled by achieving favored jock status by the left. And yet, with her admittedly bizarre twist of fate in her final game, she says, “I don’t deserve this?”

It sounds like someone feels she has a “special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.’ In other words, the dictionary definition of privilege.

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It’s seems really convenient that on ‘her’ way out she welcomes in dudes pretending to be girls. She won’t have to shower with them, and she won’t have to be embarrassed by them on the field. Truly stunning and brave. Does anyone believe that she would let a tranny out shadow her on the playing field?

Somewhere there’s a little girl who plays at a Catholic school and idolized her. That sucks.

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