Nicole Wallace: Is it Time for Others to Monitor Our Elections?

I caught this that warns of all kinds of violence being reported that will happen in our upcoming election. I must be missing something. Considering the heyday of the Black Panthers back in the day, how about a bit of a review. We never heard from Nicolle when they were threatening to disrupt elections. Never any conversation about Dominion’s software and the other various forms of election fraud that threaten the process. Do the Progressives have something in mind if the “Big Red Wave” hits? It seems that what they warn about others is exactly what they have in their minds.

July 6, 2020 — bunkerville |

“With the rise of the Tea Party, the white-right and other racist forces. With gun sales nationwide at an all time high amongst whites, with a mood that is more anti-Black than any time recent, it is imperative that we organize our forces, pool our resources and prepare for war!” Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. Convention Convener and Party Chairman.

Back about ten years ago I did numerous posts about the rising of the Black Panthers. Whitewashing black racism; Shabazz: “Prepare for war”

Previously, Shabazz told his black power cohorts to prepare for war,” via Bunkerville.

“Security” patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

Interesting that we hear nothing from the “revolution” these days.

Other than that it’s a good day in the swamp.

26 Responses to “Nicole Wallace: Is it Time for Others to Monitor Our Elections?”

  1. peter3nj Says:

    With the polls showing the democrat ahead by 10 points It looks like your getting a democrat governor. That’s assuming the polls are reliable. I haven’t paid any attention but surely the democrat is promising to hurt the working people in whatever way he can. Why else would he be ahead? Que domage.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Baysider Says:

    Man, what can one say? I’m currently reading Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies Undermining Freedom Attacking Religion and Promoting Terrorism and it’s way too easy to see everything through that lens. In Russia disinformation was long a national past time. Stalin weaponized it to clear the board of all potential enemies, even setting up a special force just to undermine the character of fine Catholic prelates, including the Pope himself, and destroy good will they earned for the church fighting Nazis (and – ahem – himself!) during WW2.

    This is deju vu all over again. Grab a kernel of truth and completely reframe it as something else. Propaganda points interjected as facts into western discussions through Soviet front groups (on peace, women, etc.) suddenly became history. We are living through this non-stop. She’s just another link in a chain that would enslave us all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mustang Says:

    I didn’t even know who Nicole Wallace is. Had to look her up. Hat tip to NRRinglee. She’s a talking head on MSNBC so that answers that question. I don’t do infotainment channels. But if she thinks it would be cool to have the European Union governing council monitor our elections, then she’s probably bipolar and shouldn’t have a public voice unimpeded by duct tape.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. markone1blog Says:

    And yes, I do remember the way Eric Holder’s Department of Justice refused to prosecute Black Panthers who intimidated voters in Philadelphia. It seems he couldn’t bring justice against “my people.”

    Liked by 2 people

  5. markone1blog Says:

    Again, we post on almost the same topic. You post on progressives regressives suggesting that some backwards group selected by the UN out of a third-world hell hole should oversee our elections.

    Likewise, I post (or at least will post at 11:30) on how the Texas Secretary of State found issues in Harris County that warrant sending election inspectors to oversee the current election. In response, the county judge who may well soon be indicted for the $11 million scheme to pay off Democrat insiders called on the Biden DOJ to come to Houston. Yeah. The DOJ that has the rap sheet as long as that of Jesse James.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Projection is a key feature of democrat pundits.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. nrringlee Says:

    This is all a result of Progressive New Left magical thinking. They see the speck in the eye of. their adversary, often us, and fail to see the beam in their own eye. Were it not for double standards the Progressive New Left would have no standards at all. And forever keep in mind this one truth: Nichole is a Bushiest. That should tell you volumes about the real problems within the Republican Party. A house divided……………..

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Silverfiddle Says:

    What we need is for every election to have a clear, auditable chain of custody, and the results should be easily auditable to verify voter rolls against ballots cast, and all mail-in ballot envelopes retained for audit.

    Having a transparent process that can be audited would go a long way towards restoring confidence.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Agree SF..and mail in ballots should be limited to at at most one week and and drop boxes staffed and filmed. The old days works just fine. There was a time when we knew the results the same day and I am all for that.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. peter3nj Says:

    BTW, speaking of a changed America, changed Hollywood, a 1945 Oscar went to The WWII Marine photographers for its filming of the war in the Pacific. Curiously the Oscar has yet to be taken back by the anti-American academy.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. peter3nj Says:

    While the negroid nation comprises only 12-13% of our overall population it relies on the 25% or so of the white populations backing to make possible its takeover of the nation. Obama the prophet has indeed succeeded in fundamentally changed America. IMO.

    Liked by 1 person

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