Transgender Satanist: Slogan Is “F*** The Police” Wins GOP Primary For New Hampshire County Sheriff


This will be quite some election coming up with apparently no one paying much of any attention in the candidates, especially the down ballot. How is this for a GOP victory?

Aria DiMezzo, a transgender, ‘Satanic anarchist’ has won the GOP nomination for sheriff in Cheshire County New Hampshire.

Incredibly, Republican voters where she was elected paid so little attention to the unopposed candidate that they voted for her in spite of her “F*** the police!” slogan—a slogan that sounds more like something you’d hear at a Joe Biden – Kamala Harris rally.

 100 Percent Fed Up-  ‘I can’t imagine they’re happy about this,’ Aria DiMezzo told Inside Sources when asked about the reaction from Republicans.

She won despite the fact that she received no support from the county or state GOP.




As of late, I’ve been called a “wolf in sheepskin.” First of all, it’s worth pointing out that a libertarian anarchist who runs as a Republican isn’t a wolf in sheepskin; they’re a sheep in wolfskin. The Republicans and Democrats are the parties of hostility, aggression, taxation, military-style policing, unconstitutional mandates, states of emergencies, unending war, and murdering children around the globe. As of yet, no elected libertarian anarchist has done any of those things.

So you’re mad. I get it. I promise you: I get it. You feel betrayed. You may even be wondering how the party that you so believed in could do something like this. But, odds are, you’re blaming me. Most people are probably angry at me, and blaming me for all this. That’s silly. I was always upfront about who I am. The good man in Rindge who looked into me found out everything he needed to know with a simple Google search.

Really, whose fault is all this? You don’t know anything about the people you’re voting for. You’re just blindly voting for them because you trust in the party, you trust in the system. Well, the party is broken, and the system is broken. It’s all broken.

The newly elected GOP candidate for sheriff has a point…


More at  Gateway Pundit

Other than that all is well in the swamp.