California solves Medi-Cal deficit by using $5400 Euthanasia drug

This is how the Progressives find value in human lives. Euthanasia. In a special session to determine methods for cost savings for their State Health care which is running a deficit this swell idea blossomed forth. Someone should ask Marxist Sanders his opinion. Throw in Hillary Clinton.

So, by NOT allowing people on Medi-Cal cancer doctors, you assure their death—and by using the $5400 lethal dose, taxpayers save money.  Is this unethical, immoral or just good business by government?  This is the same government that spends tens of millions of dollars to keep murderers alive on death row.  Confused?

From the California Catholic Conference story:

Without fanfare or announcement, Governor Brown’s proposed 2016 Budget recommends $2.3 million dollars to allow California to purchase lethal drugs for Medi-Cal patients who want their physician to help them commit suicide. California would pay an estimated $5,400 per patient just for the drugs yet Medi-Cal patients still have no access to palliative care (designed to improve the quality of life for patients and their family facing serious illnesses.) Even more incredibly, a recent study has shown that Medi-Cal recipients have only a one in three chance of even getting cancer treatments under the system and often cannot obtain second opinions.

Proponents of the assisted-suicide law insisted during last year’s debate that the lethal dose of drugs was not intended to save Medi-Cal costs yet lawmakers passed the legislation in a special session called specifically to address a Medi-Cal deficit.

More at CA Catholic Org

George Bernard Shaw copy Wants to Kill People. This is what Progressives think of us

Here we have Robert Reich, formerly in the Obama Administration.

21 Responses to “California solves Medi-Cal deficit by using $5400 Euthanasia drug”

  1. Parents suing for “Wrongful birth” – Child has Down Syndrome | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Bonus: California solves Medi-Cal deficit by using $5400 Euthanasia drug […]


  2. Jerry & Co Believe You Outta Just Die Sooner | Mcnorman's Weblog Says:

    […] than later.  From Bunkerville comes an interesting post about how to save […]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. abigail Says:

    Take a look at how the NHS in the UK deals with old people.

    And those idiots applauding in that Reich clip…do they not realize someday they will be the ones having care withheld? Or do they think they will be young forever?

    Logan’s Run. Edward G. Robinson’s euthanasia scene in Soylent Green. Science fiction or foreshadowing the future…

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Well thought out comment. Indeed, a nightmare that is coming true for those of a certain age. Slowly…… They sure are dedicated to their cause. Thanks for the link. Chilling..


    • petermc3 Says:

      In 1960 in a Saturday afternoon movie called Teenagers From Outerspace the teenagers disposed of those who reached their 30th birthday. At ten years old I knew that was not cool. Why don’t these morons/people understand that their next? The minimum wage goes up and the age of genocide goes down; that’s liberalism for ya!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. the unit Says:

    I guess it was 20 something years ago when I read Richard Lamm’s “Old Have a Duty To Die.”
    He hasn’t reported for duty @ 80. AOL, hmmmm?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mcnorman Says:

    Gee, they jumped the end of life paperwork to atleast prepare one, why? Oh, I know…to save money on paper, right?
    There will be a judgement day. And I don’t think that their present or go for it votes will help any of them out.

    Question…if moonbeam Jerry and fancy Nancy are in this predicament, will they get the same treatment?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Rifleman III Says:

    Issues of taking any life without merit, can in time be abused.

    Cost effectiveness, is variable to desired application. Rope, is inexpensive, provided the correct line is used for weight, tension, friction. Rope lasts a good long time, especially if correctly trimmed and waxed, but not for hospital/end of life, use. Executions, okay.

    End of life, dignity is required. Something to relax and let them sleep, and it’s over, so why not a common overdose of morphine? Heart stops. Lungs stop.

    ObamaCare, will in time have physicians carrying drycleaning bags.


  7. California solves Medi-Cal deficit by using $5400 Euthanasia drug | 4frespeech Says:

    […] Source: California solves Medi-Cal deficit by using $5400 Euthanasia drug […]

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Always On Watch Says:

    Who didn’t see this coming?

    Oh, wait! A lot of people who will never see the reality screaming into their faces.

    Those same people are still watching for unicorns to come over the hill.



    • bunkerville Says:

      Meanwhile they spend millions on illegals. But can’t cover cancer treatments for citizens? Can’t find the drugs to finish off those on death row? But find money for Euthanasia?


  9. petermc3 Says:

    A true cost saving measure would be a bullet to the back of the head ala the Nazis or KGB. Now those guys could save some money yo!

    Liked by 1 person

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