Obama touts religious freedom, meanwhile forces abortion support

Recall the thousands of waivers that were given to the administration’s cronies when Obamacare first came along? The Catholics were not so lucky. One thing is for sure. The Obama team is relentless with their thousands of lawyers.

(CNSNews.com) – “So we stand with you in defense of religious freedom and interfaith dialogue, knowing that people everywhere must be able to live out their faith free from fear and free from intimidation.”

That is part of what President Barack Obama said—in touting his administration’s commitment to religious liberty—when he greeted Pope Francis at the White House today.

Among the religious institutions involved in these lawsuits with the administration are 15 Catholic dioceses and archdioceses, and multiple Catholic universities, schools and religious orders.

“The Obama administration has just told the Catholics of the United States, ‘To Hell with you!’” the bishop wrote in the column. “There is no other way to put it.”At the same time, according to a count maintained by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Obama’s Justice Department is actively fighting 56 separate federal court cases aimed at forcing 140 religious ministries and institutions to cooperate with an Obamacare regulation that requires virtually all health care plans in the United States to cover contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion-inducing drugs and devices.

The Catholic Church teaches that contraceptives, sterilization and abortion are morally wrong.

More at CNS News

18 Responses to “Obama touts religious freedom, meanwhile forces abortion support”

  1. My Article Read (9-24-2015) | My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Obama touts religious freedom, meanwhile forces abortion support […]


  2. geeez2014 Says:

    Did anybody tell the Little Sisters of Mercy that Obama believes in religious freedom!? what a freakin’ Hypocrite.
    WHEN is the world going to realize that leftwingers are all for freedom and non intimidation UNLESS it’s something they disagree with! GeeeeZ!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You know the answer as well as (sadly) do I | LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH! Says:

    […] When there are crickets from on high as well as from the lesser humans for forced abortion… […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.

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  5. the unit Says:

    I read some years ago at the beginning of O care that Islamic groups and charities would be exempt from mandates. I read this week of some imam issuing a fatwa for muslims to go out and inbreed with the infidel nations. I wouldn’t think this abomination of an administration would demand they provide contraceptives, aborticant meds, and abortions!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. petermc3 Says:

    While surfing Pope TV observed the following:
    Comfort the afflicted,
    Afflict the comfortable.
    No women in statuary hall
    Palm trees gracing the front of the capitol.
    Im waiting to se the Pope and Obama roll out their prayer rugs…😄

    Liked by 2 people

  7. petermc3 Says:

    The corruption and hypocrisy spans the ocean from the Vatican to the White House, from the White House to the Vatican. My family and friends, those of whom are devout catholics, tune out any criticism of Papa Francis. For them he is the the incarnation of love and peace both of which he has come to spread here in America. How different are they from the blind sickos who lick the boots of Obama? Evil takes many forms.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. LadyRavenSDC Says:


    Liked by 2 people

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