Jade Helm – Is this how the elites will wage war in America?

To be honest, I have been paying small attention to the “Jade Helm” controversy that has been the concern of many micro bloggers. What with all of the scandals, a city aflame, a Congress out of control there just was little time.But when I caught Zero Hedge run a very well thought out post with a clip of activity in Fort Lauderdale, it made it to the front of the line. I encourage everyone to slide over and read the whole thing.

When elites wage war in America, this will be how they will do it

In the meantime, here is a taste of the post.

A late night military exercise conducted in a highly populated urban area of Florida has many residents wondering if there were intentions beyond the training aspect of the operation.

Federal crisis exercises have a strange historical tendency to suddenly coincide with very real crisis events. We may know very little about Jade Helm beyond government admissions, claims and misdirection. But at the very least, we know what “JADE” is an acronym for: Joint Assistance for Deployment and Execution, a program designed to create action and deployment plans using computer models meant to speed up reaction times for military planners during a “crisis scenario.” It is linked with another program called ACOA (Adaptive Course of Action), the basis of which is essentially the use of past mission successes and computer models to plan future missions. Both are products of theDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

As far as I know, no one has presented any hard evidence as to what “HELM” really stands for, but the JADE portion of the exercise explicitly focuses on rapid force deployment planning in crisis situations, according to the government white paper linked above. This fact alone brings into question statements by the Department of Defense that Jade Helm is nothing more than a training program to prepare military units for “foreign deployment.” This is clearly a lie if Jade Helm revolves around crisis events (which denotes domestic threats), rather than foreign operations.

Of course, if you also consider the reality that special operations forces ALWAYS train like they fight and train in environments similar to where they will fight, the entire notion of Jade Helm as a preparation for foreign theaters sounds absurd. If special operations forces are going to fight in Iraq, Iran or Syria, they go to training grounds in places like Kuwait. If they are training in places like Fort Lauderdale, Florida (including “infiltration training”), then there is no way around the fact that they are practicing to fight somewhere exactly like Fort Lauderdale with a similar culture and population.

I would further note that Jade Helm exercises are also joint exercises with domestic agencies like the FBI and the DEA.  Again, why include domestic law enforcement agencies in a military exercise merely meant to prepare troops for foreign operations?  I often hear the argument that the military would never go along with such a program, but people who take this rather presumptive position do not understand crisis psychology.  In the event of a national catastrophe many military personnel and government employees may determine that they will do what is “best for them and their families”.  And if following orders guarantees the security of their families (food security, shelter, etc), then they may very well follow any order, no matter how dubious.  Also, a large scale crisis could be used as a rationale for martial law; otherwise well meaning military men and women could be convinced that the loss of constitutional freedoms might be for the “greater good of the greater number”.  I believe some military will indeed resist such efforts, but of course, Jade Helm may also be a method for vetting such uncooperative people before any live operation occurs.

Read the whole thing at Zero Hedge

23 Responses to “Jade Helm – Is this how the elites will wage war in America?”

  1. My Article Read (5-7-2015) | My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Jade Helm – Is this how the elites will wage war in America? […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jersey McJones Says:


    I got news for you guys – Texas is already a friggin’ police state. No one wants to take it over.



  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    I am like you in that I have not been paying attention to this much at all with everything else that is going on, but perhaps it is time to. It could be they are using all of the other issues as cover for this…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. the unit Says:

    All’s cool said the Mayor. Not to worry.
    “This is actually really cool,” Mayor Jack Seiler said of an agreement to allow the team to conduct a future training exercise in the city.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. silverfiddle Says:

    I’ve pretty much brushed off the notion of a military takeover of the US. Face it, we’re already invaded, with bases everywhere (I am a vet). I am one of those who say the federal government would not get compliance from officers and NCOs, but you have a point about a crisis mentality.

    IF this is in somebody’s plans (and I still doubt that), it would have to be carried out, as you suggest, in the midst of a crisis, such as some kind of invasion here in the US that would justify the US military going into action on our own soil.

    As of right now, I think the concern is overblown. All kinds of military units have been doing training like this all over. I participated in training all over a southwestern state, carrying a loaded weapon. Parts of Army Special Forces training play out in and around Fayettville, NC, and have been for decades.

    It’s probably the high-profile nature, and taking place in larger urban areas that is raising visibility, and nobody trusts the government anymore, so I do think we are right to be vigilant and ask lots of questions.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      It was my take basically as well. Having said that, with this administration my radar is on high alert until he moves out of office. Not to say it will be any better with the GOPers. A little paranoia is a good thing these days.


  6. thetruthisstrangerthanfiction Says:

    I agree that the Jade Helm story is one worthy of our attention. I recently learned that there is also a massive Canadian exercise of the very same nature (drills involving the entire Canadian military in combination with all other government agencies) called “Maple Resolve”, and scheduled to take place around the same time. Indeed the explanation that these exercises are for foreign scenarios makes absolutely no sense, because in foreign theaters you couldn’t possibly be working alongside local law enforcement, emergency services like FEMA, etc. There is really only one type of thing that this training could apply to…

    Plus there is all the speculations about the mysteriously closed Walmarts in the South (and apparently the same thing happening with Targets in Canada) which people are saying are being prepped to be used as some sort of “urban command/supply centers” in the event of some crisis/invasion whatever. I’m not convinced about that piece yet, but I do think there is enough weirdness about it all to at least be suspicious… Anyhow, I like your blog.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks for your fine comment. I had caught bits and pieces, but this does warrant our attention. I too was skeptical of the story because of the walmart piece. Zero hedge has credibility in my book, so if they deem it worthy of reporting I am in.

      Liked by 1 person

      • thetruthisstrangerthanfiction Says:

        Yeah I hear you. The walmart component I’d say is one that isn’t terribly crucial in terms of it proving anything. For me, I was fairly skeptical at first too, until I finally came across an article where they posted to official government releases which showed the involvement of other non-military government agencies. That was the big “eyebrow-raiser” for me…

        Liked by 1 person

  7. petermc3 Says:

    If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat and acts like a rat it is most probably a rat. But then maybe the rats in the video are merely reconnoitering before the drone strikes.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. David Montaigne Says:

    Reblogged this on MANY PROPHETIC CLUES WARN US – THIS WORLD'S FINAL 3.5 YEARS ARE FROM JUNE 2016 TO DECEMBER 2019 and commented:
    The real deal they are practicing for – imposing martial law on America – is due by summer 2016 at the latest. And they don’t even hide their preparations anymore.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. LadyRavenSDC Says:

    Reblogged this on LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH! and commented:
    ” …if Americans are uneasy about this summer’s planned Jade Helm 15 military exercises, they have every right to be.

    After all, haven’t we been urged time and time again to just “trust” the government to respect our rights and abide by the rule of law only to find that, in fact, our rights were being plundered and the Constitution disregarded at every turn?” John W. Whitehead – the Rutherford Institute


  10. LadyRavenSDC Says:

    Good piece – thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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