EPA to study Churches, develop programs to combat climate change

Now the EPA plans to infiltrate our churches with their agenda. Too many churches have already lost their way in forgetting their purpose and becoming political operatives in my opinion. I have my own issues with the latest Catholic pope but that is a post for another day. No, this is evil personified. You may want to check out an earlier post.EPA McCarthy will ‘go after’ critics who question agency 

Here we go with the latest:

Researchers to develop workshops for faith leaders to ‘implement sustainability initiatives within their congregations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is spending $84,000 to study how churches can be used to combat climate change.

A taxpayer-funded graduate fellowship at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is examining 17 faith-based institutions that have implemented “sustainability initiatives” in the hopes of developing workshops to teach pastors and other religious leaders how to change the behaviors of their congregants.

“More Americans belong to religious groups than any other type of voluntary association and faith communities play an important role in facilitating the kind of social transitions that are necessary as the nation responds to climate change,” the grant said, under the section “Potential to Further Environmental/Human Health Protection.”

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Published on Jun 26, 2014

After being told he should be more Christ like, Bill finds a very interesting story about Jesus.