Boehner threatens purge of member’s Committee seats if not supported

Boehner is taking no chances in being removed from his speakership. Apparently our cry baby can only remain in control under Gestapo like tactics. Back in 2012 we came within 4 votes of defeating him. Twelve brave souls voted their conscience and Boehner purged them more like a third world Government would react than a Democracy. Brave souls lost their Committee seats. Welcome to North Korea. Dissent will not be tolerated. First the latest, then the back story in 2012. Here we go:

September 19, 2014. House Republicans are quietly discussing a proposal that could fundamentally alter the way future speakers of the House are chosen, according to multiple GOP sources, with the objective of avoiding a repeat of John Boehner’s embarrassing reelection vote in 2013.

The rule tweak began as an informal discussion but has morphed into a concrete proposal that is beginning to circulate in the House. According to people briefed on it, any Republican who votes on the House floor in January against the conference’s nominee for House speaker—that is, the candidate chosen by a majority of the House GOP during its closed-door leadership elections in November—would be severely punished. Specifically, sources say, any dissenters would be stripped of all committee assignments for that Congress.
“There’s a real concern that there’s between 30 and 40 people that would vote against the speaker on the House floor, so they’re trying to change the conference rules to make sure that doesn’t happen,” said a GOP member familiar with the proposal.

“There are members frustrated with other members about what happened last time,” said a senior Republican.

Twelve House Republicans refused to vote for Boehner’s reelection in January 2013 at the outset of the 113th Congress. This level of dissent was insufficient to oust Boehner from the speakership, but served to embarrass the speaker and publicly air the party’s dirty laundry. The incident infuriated Boehner’s allies, who claimed no opposition was voiced privately during the conference elections—an affront to the traditional process of keeping internal campaigns private.

(RELATED: Amash slams GOP leadership for purging him without notice)

More over at National Journal. And just what happened previously?

Conservative Group Launches Campaign To ‘Depose’ Boehner From Speakership’ December 7, 2012

The backlash against Speaker of the House John Boehner’s removal of several conservative members of Congress from committees continued Wednesday, with one conservative group calling for Republicans to “depose” Boehner from his speakership.

American Majority Action (AMA) is launching a #FireBoehner campaign. If 16 members of the Republican Party abstain from voting for Boehner as speaker in January, he will be one vote shy of the 218 necessary to confirm his speakership.

“Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives,” said Ned Ryun, president and CEO of AMA. “Boehner has never won a negotiation [sic] battle with the White House or Senate – and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the conservative movement. It’s time for him to go.”

The recent anger stems in large part from the removal of Reps. David Schweikert, Justin Amash and Tim Huelskamp from their spots on committees. Boehner has said it was an issue of loyalty, Buzzfeed reported, but conservatives have labeled it a purge of more conservative and libertarian elements of the party.

20 Responses to “Boehner threatens purge of member’s Committee seats if not supported”

  1. The next House Speaker cry baby John Boehner? | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] of the House. Throw in a cry baby. For the back story I give you a link from an earlier post: Boehner threatens purge of member’s Committee seats if not supported October 2, […]


  2. Chillingworth Says:

    I just heard the most interesting quote on Mark Levin’s radio show last night: He says (citing a 1993 Cleveland Plain Dealer story) that Boehner once said, “I came as a reformer, but when people in charge don’t want to reform, the only way is revolution.”
    (Levin has said it more than once; this is from 2013, but I just heard it last night.)

    It sounds like a different person!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    Like you pointed out, Boehner has a history of punishing conservatives so this does not surprise me in the least. When are the voters going to wake up and send this clown home?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      So now he wants to “avoiding a repeat of John Boehner’s embarrassing reelection vote in 2013” by not getting 100 percent approval? Since when did his position turn into a Banana Republic with one candidate? So now they are going to change a long standing rule? How far we have fallen.


  4. geeez2014 Says:

    How I WISH we could get rid of Boehner. Bunk, have you ever read my blog when I’ve mentioned meeting him and how drunk he was…My husband almost lunged for his throat long about the 4th time he said F***….Even in L.A., men don’t say that in front of a woman over 20 who he’s never MET before….He’s crass and lousy and he’s done NO GOOD for Republicans, that is FOR SURE. How he got in this position is way beyond ME.
    (now that I’m name dropping so badly, come see what I said at the Bobby/Maria Shriver event last night…I think you’ll like it!!…I can’t believe I DID IT! :-))

    Liked by 1 person

  5. the unit Says:

    I haven’t read the house rules, but it was said on internet, Speaker doesn’t even have to be sitting house member. Some were calling then for Allen West, who lost his seat, to be voted in as speaker.
    Well, I’ll vote even it they announce Ebola victim was in the precinct when the polls opened. I’ll bring my snack baggie of Clorox paper towels. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Zilla of the Resistance Says:

    Reblogged this on Femininican and commented:
    This might be one of those rare occasions when we should support a democrat if that democrat is running against cryin’ John Boner. If Boner loses his congressional seat, then there would HAVE TO BE A NEW SPEAKER. Just sayin’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      It would be worth giving up a seat to send him on his way. Thanks for the link.


      • Zilla of the Resistance Says:

        Damned right. And, you are very welcome. I haven’t been feeling great so I’ve not been on the computer to blog at the main site, but I’m giving the. “Lazy Blogger” reblog button on my phone a lot of use here at Femininican! Thanks for all your hard work that I keep stealing. 🙂
        I’ll be sure to include links to Bunkerville in future posts. I blog even less frequently at, but thanks to my friend EBL, that site gets the best traffic of all my properties, feel free to call my attention to any “weird” stuff you might be covering & I’ll try to get word of it up at BsCN which may give you a lil traffic bump.

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Thanks Zilla. Sorry that things are not improving for you. I will keep you in my prayers.


  7. mcnorman Says:

    Who knew he studied under Nancy’s control lessons 101?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Petermc3 Says:

    As always a tyrant’s rule is perpetuated through fear and intimidation. Nothing new under the sun here.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jim at Aslum Watch Says:

    The Dems Have Harry Reid and the Pubs have John Boehner. Why doesn’t Boehner run on the Dem ticket snd quit pretending to be something he isn’t?

    Liked by 2 people

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