Cantor loses Primary!!

Politico and RCP will have the returns as they come in,  Real Clear Politics give Cantor as lost. Wow, a good day for us.

Virginia District 7 (R) Post Results to Twitter (87%)
Candidates Votes Percent
Brat 33,275 55.9
Cantor 26,263 44.1

Enjoy!!! Lets see how the rest will roll. Not so great Hot Air on this one! So much for Immigration Eric.

Media coverage of young illegals pouring over the border in Texas the past few months, whether induced by DREAM and DACA or not, may have ended up killing him. Show of hands, House Republicans: Who’s up for passing amnesty this summer now?

Read more at Hot air Open thread.

As for Cantor, people like Laura Ingraham and Mickey Kaus have been fighting the good fight on air and online for weeks in trying to drum up interest in his challenger, Dave Brat. For good reason: This race has, to some extent, become a referendum on amnesty, particularly Cantor’s enthusiasm for the sort of DREAM amnesty that’s now created a humanitarian crisis at the border. The better Brat does, the sterner the warning to House Republicans that an amnesty this summer could be painful this fall. Brat’s done a nice job making Cantor sweat, forcing him to spend more and fight dirtier — replete with a few well-placed bald-faced lies — than anyone expected. Realistically, though, an unknown candidate’s not beating the House majority leader in a primary. No undecided voter is going to forfeit the influence their district has in the House right now in order to roll the dice on Brat. The best we can hope for is a race that’s closer than expected, so that the GOP House caucus sits up and takes notice, but I think we’re going to end up disappointed here too. I’m guessing Cantor takes 65-70 percent, capping a glorious night for fans of immigration reform.


12 Responses to “Cantor loses Primary!!”

  1. Steve Says:

    Video – Ann Coulter On Eric Cantor’s Loss To Tea Party Candidate


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    Amnesty killed Cantor and we still have Ryan running around pushing for it again, he had better rethink that position and he better do it fast! The republicans had better take notice.


  3. rjjrdq Says:

    As Trump would say, YOU’RE FIRED!


  4. Jersey McJones Says:

    Ah, one step closer to becoming a regional minority. Good for you guys!



    • bunkerville Says:

      Buckle up Jersey, you are in for a ride!


      • Jersey McJones Says:


        In 20 years, you guys will be a regional minority party who can occasionally get someone in the White House. It’s going to be like the 40 years you guys spent out in the woods the last time the Silly Party got hold of the GOP in the 50’s. Conservatives always go too far in their great war to stave off progress with fear and stupidity.

        I am convinced of this, and so are many other far greater qualified observers.



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