Deserter Bergdahl served with ‘distinction’ according to Susan Rice


I caught an interview with Jake Tapper, now with CNN. He reported that in discussions with soldiers who served with this deserter, that Bergdahl took a knife and a compass when walking off in civilian clothes. In addition, at least six soldiers were killed while attempting to find him after he deserted. This does not even address what his father had to say in support of the Taliban.

This traitor should be tried for desertion, and certain not a hero deserving a parade. Now it is open season on kidnapping for trade. Good work.  Our Secretary of Defense is even more clueless. Just when one thought it could not get any worse. Tapper will have more with those who served with this fine fellow at 5:00 pm Eastern time on CNN. Might be worth the watch.


17 Responses to “Deserter Bergdahl served with ‘distinction’ according to Susan Rice”

  1. The Daley Gator | Your Weekend Link-A-Round Says:

    […] Bunkerville: Susan Rice, WTF?? […]


  2. Always On Watch Says:

    Susan Rice has previously proved herself to be a liar.

    Wake the hell up, America! Treason is what this administration is all about!


  3. Marc Winger Says:

    I hope it turns out there’s enough info to court martial him for desertion with the possible intent of collaboration.


  4. Steve Dennis Says:

    Once again Susan Rice is out there pushing the Obama talking points, at this point can she be taken seriously? I don’t think so!


  5. Sgt. Bergdahl and President Obama | danmillerinpanama Says:

    […] Susan Rice claiming that he served “with honor and distinction.” (Tip of the hat to Bunkerville for the video.) When did he do that? Before or during his Taliban […]


  6. mcnorman Says:

    Can anyone believe Susan Rice anymore?


  7. Paul Lemmen Says:

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.


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