Northrup to Build Munitions Plant Inside Ukraine


Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

I am no Sun Tzu, but isn’t a bit odd that while a war is going on that rebuilding and new plant manufacturing commence? It would seem to be a prime target of the enemy.

So after Biden and his latest $60 Billion slush fund approved by congress, and Americans are assured this will be great for jobs jobs jobs here, we find the jobs are there there there.

But but but you said this was how it was going to work-



Mitch McConnell back in 2023 when he was still somewhat functional:

“No Americans are getting killed in Ukraine. We’re rebuilding our industrial base. The Ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. I have a hard time finding anything wrong with that. I think it’s wonderful that they’re defending themselves,” he said on CBS’s Face the Nation.

From Bunks previous post:

Biden Pathetically Changes War Message; sells Ukraine Funding by Appealing to Profit Motives

Thus the White House now appeals to the old time give away of big bucks for the home town. Jobs Jobs Jobs to the locals to crank up the killing machine.

They even dusted off Mitch McConnell to make to “Face the Nation” for his pitch for the war.

Biden awkwardly pivoted to the supposed economic benefits that will come from borrowing even more money and shoveling it into the coffers of weapon manufacturers: 

“We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles with new equipment. Equipment that defends America and is made in America. Patriot missiles for air defense batteries, made in Arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas. And so much more.”

Last gasp effort. Behold the vast Military Industrial Complex.


After reading the whole thing, I find it obscene.

Here we go:

EUROSATORY 2024 — Northrop Grumman plans to produce medium caliber ammunition inside Ukraine under a project bankrolled by Ukrainian dollars, a company official said today.

Although several European defense firms have committed to large-scale manufacturing programs inside Ukraine’s borders, Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

“We’ve been working, as you know, in Ukraine to produce medium [caliber munitions]. That’s our first project that’s paid for with Ukrainian dollars. We are looking to expand that into tank ammo, 155 mm, others as we find innovative processes,” said Dave Bartell, director of international business for Northrop’s defense systems sector.

The acknowledgment of the agreement occurred during an exchange between Bartell and Stanley Brown, the State Department’s principal deputy assistant secretary for the bureau of political-military affairs, during Brown’s speech at the Eurosatory arms show in Paris.

Bartell did not elaborate on the coproduction plan, and Northrop declined to comment for this story. 

Building Production Inside Ukraine

US defense firms have lagged behind their European counterparts in forging coproduction agreements inside Ukraine. Earlier this month, Germany’s Rheinmetall acknowledged plans to open a Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicle manufacturing plant in Ukraine “in the near future” and said it is in talks with Ukrainian suppliers on a new joint venture for in-country production of artillery ammunition.

Also this month, Franco-German manufacturer KNDS and Ukrainian firm KZVV signed a contract for production in Ukraine of 155mm artillery shells.

Earlier US coproduction efforts to support Ukrainian needs typically centered on efforts to produce US weaponry within the borders of NATO allies in Eastern Europe — such as a 2023 deal between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to build Javelin anti-tank missiles in Poland — and stopped short of manufacturing arms inside Ukraine, which would be considerably more vulnerable to attack by Russia. 

However, in recent months, the US government has stepped up efforts to work directly with Ukraine’s defense sector. In December, the White House held a Ukraine Defense Industrial Base Conference that included 350 representatives from the US and Ukrainian governments along with their respective defense industries, which resulted in the countries signing a Statement of Intent on Co-production and Technical Data Exchange to address Ukraine’s urgent needs on munitions production, air defense systems, and repair and sustainment. 

….The Ukraine Defense Enterprise Program program, which was announced in May, will draw from Foreign Military Financing dollars in the $60.8 billion Ukraine supplemental funding bill passed in April, as well as funding from previous defense budgets, Inside Defense reported.

Keep reading

Though I shouldn’t have been surprised.

Let us not forget what else all of this gets us:

Ukraine-Israel Bill Included 3.5 Billion to Fast Track Mass Migration From the Middle East

Not only did the “Foreign Aid” package do nothing to secure our own border it included $3.5 Billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.
Open borders? No problem. The Biden administration is setting up two new international field offices in Qatar and Turkey to facilitate the mass migration of refugees and economic migrants from the Middle East and the near-Middle East to resettle them throughout American cities.…

Zelensky’s Opening Act at Davos -Courts JPMorgan, Bank of America, Bridgewater CEO’s

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy met some of the biggest names in global finance on Tuesday morning on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The Ukrainian leader spoke with JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman and Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio among others.



And finally, the coup de grace

They’re Back! Clinton Global Initiative to Launch Network to Provide ‘Humanitarian Aid’ to War-Torn Ukraine.

According to the Associated Press, the Clinton Global Initiative will be launching a new network dubbed CGI Ukraine Action Network:

CGI plans to announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits working in the country.

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year. The new organization, which will be formally announced Tuesday, is designed to mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians, according to CGI. Numerous monetary commitments for Ukraine are also set to be announced Tuesday,

In 2022, CGI announced more than 140 commitments, including a $1 billion plan from, co-founded by actor Matt Damon, to help 100 million people in Africa, Asia and Latin America get lasting access to water and sanitation. This year, leaders including World Bank President Ajay Banga, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, World Central Kitchen founder Jose Andres and Ford Foundation CEO Darren Walker, will attend and make their own commitments, which are required for attendance at the conference.


And that indeed is the best of the swamp.

22 Responses to “Northrup to Build Munitions Plant Inside Ukraine”

  1. markone1blog Says:

    I suspect that the workers will not walk off the job even if pay is next to nothing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Baysider Says:

    “isn’t it a bit odd that while a war is going on that rebuilding and new plant manufacturing commence?”  We did that for Stalin in WW2.  These included hydroelectric plants, a tire plant, and oil refinery.  Along with billions in material – cranes, hoists, derricks, typesetting, textile machinery, elevators, air compressors, rock drills, ice breakers, and millions of miles of copper wire sent right at the end of the war. Plus illicit plans for atomic bomb making processes and actual uranium and specialty materials that could only be used in the bomb. 

    “Made in America by American workers.”  Hmm.  Agree.  Sounds like the ‘ol military-industrial-government complex to me!

    So from where did Ukraine get those “Ukrainian dollars”?

    Mustang and Sam + 1

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Russia……very very big…. Ukraine,, teeny tiny. Russia can hit any part of Ukraine at any moment. I would say we are baiting them.

      Just how much longer will Russia restrain itself?

      In fact rebuilding what has already been hit. Wait, I know, once they hit an American it bombs away full bore.


  3. Sam Huntington Says:

    Thar’s gold in them thar hills.  You know them hills people call Raytheon, Northrup, Lockheed-Martin.  I realize that were it not for the fact that such companies are making money, this country would be defenseless.  There isn’t much we can do about the way of the world, but I do hope there is a special place in hell for people like Liz, Mitch, and all those other gangbangers who happily send our kids off to war when there is no national interest in doing so.

    A pox on them all.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The Night Wind Says:

    This has been going on since the Maidan Coup. Zelensky and Poroshenko both have been auctioning off Ukrainian assets in exchange for all that aid. In other words, US taxpayers are paying for Ukraine’s defense while Wall Street gets cheap labor and resources. Since companies like BlackRock and JP Morgan are underwriting the national debt, it’s no wonder that Zelensky met with them in Davos.

    I saw in today’s news that China froze Lockheed-Martin’s assets over sales to Taiwan; last month they did that to Raytheon and some others, so they’re doing what they always do—offshoring manufacturing jobs somewhere else.

    BTW, BlackRock and JP Morgan own about 15% of Northrup-Grumman stock.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Mustang Says:

    Somewhere around 1623, the Lord was in doubt about the British colonists, given their preference for human bondage, but He decided to give it a few generations to see where it all ended up.

    The Lord was probably reassured that maybe it would all work out for the Americans when they gave up 650,000 men to free the Africans, so He gave the Americans a few more generations to see where they’d take it.

    The Lord might not have been too impressed with two back-to-back global conflagrations but may have been impressed by the willingness of some to stand up for the weak and defenseless, so He gave the Americans a few more decades to see where they betook themselves.

    It turned stupid about 1950 and got worse in 1964.  He must have been shaking his head in wonder when American presidents began ordering the assassinations of other presidents.  I guess we weren’t paying attention when the Lord started sending us reminders — as in 1963 when He taught us that whatever goes around comes around — stuff like that.

    But we weren’t paying attention and had forgotten that failing to maintain the moral high ground has ominous consequences for people who put “In God We Trust” on their coins but do little else to follow God’s commandments.

    Where we are today is where people who fail to maintain moral high ground belong.  You know what I mean, right?  Such as attacking people who were NOT behind the attack on 9/11 and pretending that the people who WERE behind it were our long-lost friends.  Crap like that.

    And now, here we are doing all the WRONG things to achieve and maintain peace on earth and goodwill toward men.  Munition plants in Ukraine so that thuggish Slavs can slug it out with other thuggish Slavs and kill anyone and everyone who gets in the way.

    Good plan, America.

    I’m surprised the Iranians haven’t already turned out our lights or nuked American cities that are as bad or worse than any Sodom or Gomorrah from the days of the Old Testament.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      No one is shy anymore about what its all about… amazing the blindness… “They” assume now that we are of course like them and would appreciate their grift and seeing thousands slaughtered all for a buck or two.

      Great comment..

      Liked by 2 people

      • The Night Wind Says:

        A side question, though, what has the American public done during the last 2-3 decades to give the Elites any reason to be afraid of any consequences? I don’t think they care whether we appreciate what they’re doing or not—they hold us in too deep a contempt to care what we think. Most of these kinds of news reports are simply them informing us of what they’re going to do; they’re not expecting anybody to ask questions and certainly not challenge them.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. nrringlee Says:

    “Obscene” is a kind way to put it. This is what the death of a Republic looks like.

    By the way, has that audit of Haiti Relief Funds by CGI ever been completed? Someone got a one billion dollar cut out of that fiasco.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      You have to give it to the Clintons… 10 for the big guy is small change… why they even snagged a gold mine in Haiti…

      Liked by 1 person

    • peter3nj Says:

      And we’re to believe Trump in the Oval Office and both Houses held by democrats can derail the anti-american military industio complex plans for a never ending Ukranian-Russian stalemate while fighting off another impeachment? In the words of the 21st century’s greatest president and orater, “C’mon man.”

      Liked by 2 people

    • peter3nj Says:

      Speaking of grand larceny there’s ex -NYC Mayor Bill deBlasio’s now former wife and lesbian (not that there’s anything wrong with that) Chirlane McCray born in Missouri and of Barbadian and St. Lucian descent, but traces her grandmother’s last name (Quashie) to Ghana who made off with a billion-$1,000,000,000 earmarked for NYC’s indigent and no one ever looked or even today looks for it cuz??? No one knows why. Hmmm… black democrat lesbian married at the time to a card carrying commie, honeymooned in Cuba as Fidel’s guests…Nothing new under the sun… Bubba and Hildebeast leave that much in the petty cash drawer.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Mustang Says:

      It just seems to me that we have too many dirtbags and not enough assassins. 

      Liked by 2 people

    • The Night Wind Says:

      The last Haitian President who was looking into the Clintons died under a hail of gunfire. His successor rather discreetly decided to drop the whole matter.

      Liked by 1 person

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