Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 5/18

Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week.  Satire, Memes and Mayhem. Nonsense and animals as well. Time to take a break from the madness.


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Good Morning!

We will start off with our usual “Deep Thoughts”

Deep Thoughts by Kamala Harris  

Deep Thoughts by Joe Biden

The best of the Bee

If you don’t see the tweet images, go to Bunkerville’s home page. 

I will close out the post with: 

That’s all she wrote. Have a wonderful day.

Posted in Fun. Tags: , , . 11 Comments »

11 Responses to “Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 5/18”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup - Pirate's Cove » Pirate's Cove Says:

    […] Bunkerville has passel of fun and mayhem. […]


  2. Belomancing Hot Links – Tacky Raccoons Says:

    […] Carbon Footprint Awards finalist [via Bunkerville]. […]


  3. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    The water lily makes me ask, is there no natural enemy to it?
    No balance of nature?


  4. Baysider Says:

    Wonderful collection. Of course I love the cat chaos! The donkey reminded me to put carrots on my shopping list today. 🙂 The boys playing pool recalls some of the creativities of my childhood. Bravo guys! Aren’t they having fun? It’s painful to watch Biden not being able to use his fork. It hits too close to home as I watch Mr. B struggle more and more with utensils. But, then, he’s not trying to pretend he’s president of the United States.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Terri D. Says:

    That giant water lily is vicious!! Another fun Saturday post, Bunk!! As always. Happy weekend!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Linda Says:

    I’m thinking this upcoming election will once again be cheaters paradise, sigh. ANYWAYS, great ones Bunk, thanks. Have a beautiful day friend.

    Liked by 2 people

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