‘Cult-like and extremist’: The View hosts slam NFL player’s Catholic views

The View co-host Sara Haines slammed the Kansas City kicker’s speech and his use and views of religion. “If you’re using this to oppress people or hold them down, you’re not walking with Jesus,” she said.

The media sure is getting careless in the free speech category. As if a man making a commencement address is no longer permitted to express his views. The intolerance grows. Something to think about over the weekend. So now the traditional catholic mass is dangerous?

Notes from one of the videos out there:

Hosts of ABC’s The View criticised Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker over his Catholic beliefs on Thursday. The hosts of the talk show compared the kicker’s beliefs to “cult-like and extremist religions in the Middle East”. The Chiefs player spoke about traditional Catholic views and criticised the LGBTQ community and US President Joe Biden.

Back in April of 2023 I post this as a refresher:

That imperative, plus the burning hatred that Catholic Joe’s regime clearly has for all forms of traditional Christianity and above all for pro-lifers, may have led to the fact that, as Fox News reported Monday, the FBI “recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism.” This is clear from internal FBI documents that the House Judiciary Committee released to the public on Monday.

The best of the swamp.

29 Responses to “‘Cult-like and extremist’: The View hosts slam NFL player’s Catholic views”

  1. Mustang Says:

    According to the International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication, “doxing” is the intentional revelation of a person’s private information without their consent, often with malicious intent.

    I didn’t know this, so I had to look up the word, and I learned something today.  I didn’t know what doxing was, and I didn’t know there was such a thing as an International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communications.

    IEGMC sounds similar to the rules laid down for under-educated freaks by Saul Alinsky, the birth father of Hillary Rodham Clinton.  But in that vein, it would not seem that holding people down by intimidating them is taking a walk with Jesus, either.

    But, if Haines wants to crack open that nut for a public conversation, then there is much to be said about Obama’s Trinity Baptist Church, its relationship with the Nation of Islam, and the Black Christianity Movement, which (mind-numbingly) is a black Marxist movement.

    I mention this only because it is essential not to forget the definition of the word “is”.  Otherwise, lies told often enough … well, you know.    

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Baysider Says:

    Best laugh line:  “when people abuse Christianity they not only cherry pick from the bible, they misinterpret and lie by omission.”  I suspect being on that show, she has a LOT of experience with “misinterpret and lie by omission” from her colleagues around the table.  Yeah, I wince when Christians do that.  I wince when anyone does that. 

    Okay, gotta question for ya girlie: since you don’t want people shut down or fired for your views, show us your defenses of free speech the last 4 years for doctor and patients, and all the de-platforming and debanking.  Let me see that video of you excoriating Facebook for taking down private groups who formed to help each other through their vaccine injuries.  And then apologize for calling this man a cultist. YOU should know a cultist when you see one since you share the stage with a bunch of ’em it appears.  

    “He brought up DEI which has nothing to do with anything I ever read in scripture.”  Okay, so you meant to say that ALL the speech should have been taken from the Bible?  Then she goes on to say he missed an opportunity to dump on Trump.  Where’s that in the Bible?  I’ve read it about 20 times all the way through from start to finish.  Have you?  Show me where I missed that. 

    What’s all this shallow mish mash of sound bites?  It’s called chaff.  Throw everything up to deflect the incoming.  This the best ya got?  Oh, the church and state argument. Beyond pitiful. 

    Liked by 2 people

  3. nrringlee Says:

    Speaking God’s Truth and His Plan for Humanity will get you vilified. So what. The bride and I do street ministry here and for every yes you will get 99 noes stated in various forms. That is life in a fallen world.

    In the end you need to be mindful of opinions and the sources of opinions. Disregard those coming from reprobate minds and give mind to those coming from sound minds. Speak the truth. Fear not. WE speak from a position of Victory already won. Those who reject that truth are making a bad wager. I commend this brother for speaking truth. Pity those who turn a blind eye.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The Night Wind Says:

    The harridans on ‘The View’ accusing anybody else of cult-like extremism is psychological projection. Independent Thinking doesn’t seem to be one of their stronger character traits, and that goes for most of their audience too.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. rj1913 Says:

    Is it really a shocker that his MAGA speech would raise hackles from The View?

    I’m not sure how many of the countless X and TicTok bashes came from the left or right nor do I know how many of the 5K followers he picked up after the speech were MAGAnuts.

    Seems to me the biggest loser was the NFL after seeing female fans shyrocketing thanks to Taylor Swift. Looks like a lot of them may find themselves unable to watch the game while being too busy taking care of the kids and bringing their husband a beer.


    • bunkerville Says:

      So you support the criminality of the NFL players comment I left below with the amount and abuse the NFL players are commiting especially against wwomen. And you think this is OK?


      • rj1913 Says:

        I’m struggling to find how you impute such opinions of mine. Of course I disavow criminality and abuse from NFL payers.

        I also disapprove of it from NASCAR drivers, hockey players, and any of the others I fail to mention.


    • Ed Bonderenka Says:

      “… too busy taking care of the kids and bringing their husband a beer.”
      That is not an accurate representation of his position.
      Many women who stay at home to school and nurture their children (or wish they could) are offended no end by the notion that they are not self-fulfilled in that role.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Baysider Says:

      MAGA speech? I only heard that short excerpt. Still, nothing “MAGA” about that.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. peter3nj Says:

    What right thinking person would find fault with the NFLer’s religiosity and what ihecstands for. The left however would rather he mentioned that the Argentinian bar bouncer turned seminarian who finagled his way into the papacy and is a devout commie Jew hater along with who knows what else in his past makes a travesty of all that’s sacrosanct. Meanwhile the Latino emmisay to God is doing his part to appeal to the world Marxist movement to get undesirables from every corner of the globe into Catholic Churches in all 50 states in order to get those wicker baskets overflowing with sorely needed cash along with these illegals voting for that devout Catholic Joe, I never met an ice cream cone or young girl I wouldn’t lick, Biden. As always the left wants it both ways, their ways… and they get it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. markone1blog Says:

    Regarding the post by Bunker, let me see if I have it right:

    1. A Catholic NFL player goes to a Catholic school
    2. He expressed Catholic thought
    3. He received a standing ovation
    4. Liberal wing nuts are offended

    What have I missed?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. markone1blog Says:

    This cuts two ways.

    Just as the article in Ed’s reply shows, we should expose (and talk up among those who aren’t blog surfing for news) the lies that the press would hide.

    On a similar subject, one of the main stream media outlets in Houston this morning was mentioning how the defense of President Trump was “trying to make Cohen look like a liar” (while not mentioning that the phone call he mentioned:
    1. Was not to Trump (but to a specific Secret Service agent),
    2. Was not about the hush payments (but about harrasing calls he was getting from a 13-year-old),
    3. Was preceded and followed by text messages that the defense of President Trump had, and
    4. Was transcribed (since this went to a Secret Service agent).

    Nonetheless, the CBS outlet joined the lie of Cohen by trying to make him the victim.

    This is part of what we need to expose.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. GP Says:

    Hating everybody seems to be the trend today.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      This is getting to the bottom of the barrel when all that is left to divide is the Latin Mass….

      Liked by 3 people

      • peter3nj Says:

        As I may have mentioned before, as teenagers both my brother and I stopped attending mass when it was no longer celebrated in Latin and wishing those in the surrounding pews peace with an obligatory handshake was pretty much mandatory. I know a few others who felt the same. Following that I attended Sunday mass with a friend at his Dutch Reformed Church where we both were on the basketball team there.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    “burning hatred that Catholic Joe’s regime clearly has for all forms of traditional Christianity and above all for pro-lifers,”

    I’ll be interviewing Eva Edl tomorrow:

    I did not register anything “catholic” specific in Butker’s comments. I realize he is a catholic and was speaking to catholics, but his was a universal message (of course “catholic” mean “universal”) that resonates with any reasonable person.

    The left stopped being reasonable a long time ago.
    Mad dogs.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      The full transcript of his remarks are over at the college under the graduation section. His remarks were wonderful, and others are simply cherry picked some comments and took them out of context

      Liked by 2 people

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