Rachel Maddow Gets Inside Trump Trial; ‘Trump Miserable and Annoyed’

After being a fly on the courtroom wall for the first day of Donald Trump’s hush money trial, Rachel Maddow remarked how the former president looks “thinner than I’ve seen him in the past” but “considerably older” and “like a man who is miserable to be here.”

And so with that we get the inside scoop of how things are going for the Orange man.

We would be foolish if we thought the media would give the trial of the Donald a fair shake in their interpretation of what is going down.

Better yet, she is proud that she got strings pulled to get in. It tells us all we need to know.

“Maddow pulled some strings to be in the Manhattan courtroom where the state of New York is presenting its election interference case, which revolves around hush-money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels.”

“Thanks to everybody at NBC who made it possible for me to get into the courtroom,” Maddow said Monday on MSNBC. “I realize it’s a hot ticket and it’s a privilege to cover something this historic.”

From where she was sitting, Maddow described Trump’s affect as “inert” and “slump-shouldered,” in addition to “old, tired and mad.” She didn’t see him as “particularly animated,” but more “annoyed, resigned, or angry even.”

“(Defense attorney Todd) Blanche, in fact, advanced a whole counterfactual: ‘You know, those invoices from Michael Cohen were really about legal retainer for his for his legal services, and there was no sexual encounter between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels,’” Maddow continued.

“All of these other sort of counter-narratives that might explain the evidence that again, were not just connecting the dots — that were kind of a baroque, detailed, elaborate story with a lot of emotion attached to it, that the jury was expected, I think, to buy into as much with their heart as with their minds. So a much more cerebral, simple case from the prosecution.

Keep reading

All this from “The Wrap”

Good luck to the Trumpster. The Best of the swamp.

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21 Responses to “Rachel Maddow Gets Inside Trump Trial; ‘Trump Miserable and Annoyed’”

  1. Baysider Says:

    I am so deep in compassion fatigue and burnout that I cannot follow the lawfare in details. You can only absorb so much hurt and hate. I have enough of it in my own 4 walls. The agenda is clear. And I do pray for this man every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peter3nj Says:

    Anyone familiar with NYC knows that a not so broad generalization is that Trump built it, employs tens of thousands of people of every race, color, creed and sex (there’s only two )!and in doing so contributes hundreds of millions to the city and state treasuries so by tearing him down it helps in tearing down the city and state while transforming it into a third world sanctuary cesspool. New York voters it’s all yours so wallow in your own excrement . Meanwhile it’s pecan tan mayor parties in South Beach while his Palestinian loving Jew hating college youngsters along with outside agitators make a mockery of law and order from the grounds of Columbia University and he claims he can do nothing.And yet there’s a better chance of his reelection than there is of Rachel Maddow giving up carpet munching over lent next year.,


  3. Mustang Says:

    In the American past, citizens were abused by town marshals and county sheriffs.  Judges were often in cahoots with land grabbers, all to the disadvantage of Ma and Pa America, who simply worked all day to put a meal on the table.  And when corrupt officials pushed them as far as the citizens were willing to go, Vigilance Committees were formed to restore justice to their communities.  And what happened to these corrupt officials (lawmen, judges, mayors, county commissioners) is that they got snatched off their horses or out of their buggies and lynched.  It was never a pretty sight – but it did achieve two important things: (1) it ended official corruption, and (2) it sent a stern warning to dishonest Judges like Merchan (and his corrupt daughter).    

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      It’s interesting that they won’t let any Trump supporters within blocks of the courthouse, but NYU and Columbia University chaos … and no one will pay any price for all the illegal activity.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Bill Heffner Says:

    The most disgusting part of this is that she is so excited to “cover something so historic” as a Soviet style kangaroo court trial on bogus charges. The idiot waxed hysterical a few years ago about a labor bill that she was delighted had “provision for a secret ballot election if they vote for it” in an open election in which a thug watches what you do and tells you not to vote for it.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. nrringlee Says:

    This week HRC (The Alinsky version of Rosemary’s Baby) Marc Elias and now Rachel Maddow all remind us of one critical truth: Truth is not a Leftist Value. 

    Thank you. People need to be reminded that the principalities of the air are active and alive and inspired and working against truth. They do so through human agents. We are witnessing the War of Good and Evil first hand.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Sam Huntington Says:

    I never had much respect for Maddow as a human being.  I suspect that when she was still a little girl (or boy, or whatever), she entertained herself by pulling wings off flies.  I also think she may delight when someone she hates dies.  I would not be surprised to learn that she sticks pins in Trump dolls.  Sad.  Did she do anything illegal?  Probably not.  Courtrooms are mostly in the public domain.  Was she motivated by sleaze to get inside the courtroom?  Who knows what motivates people like her/him/it?  Would I have been interested in having a front-row seat to someone else’s misery?  No.  The fact that we even have trials and judgments tells us that our society is far from perfect; it isn’t something we should celebrate.  This is something that has yet to occur to Maddow.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I thought this sums up what the media for the most part is all about. What it will be when it comes to Trump and his trial. While most of us on the right have spent enough time on the case to appreciate the facts, its about the “visual” to the left.

      Yes, they salivate on the pain of it all for Trump. Having been through the court scene myself, there is nothing more brutal, painful and all consuming than a legal issue. And Trump has it in spades.

      Liked by 1 person

      • rj1913 Says:

        My personal opinion is that Maddow has no more business in the courtroom than Carlson or Waters. These people are spinmeisters out to sell an agenda.

        Partially quoted from an attorney acquaintance who’s defended for near 40 years but the guy is 77 years old, has a lousy diet consisting of only processed food, constantly drinks caffeinated diet cokes (which are now taken from him), and is in a highly stressful situation. He can’t get up and go to the bathroom when he pleases, he can’t sleep at night knowing what the next day brings, and he has to sit in a room with people who hate him, but he can’t respond. I don’t doubt he passes gas.

        My attorney friend explains how he’s been in trials with defendants in their 20’s and 30’s who nodded off to sleep during trial. Throughout the day, they alternate between mind-numbing boredom and sheer abject terror. Fluctuating adrenaline rushes and crashes do people in, especially older people.

        I dislike the man, think he’s an immoral piece of shit. However, bodily functions are largely beyond our control when our ability to respond appropriately is taken from us.

        Now, while I think he’s getting everything coming to him, I don’t relish in his pain. Let’s give the man some grace about such things.


      • Mustang Says:

        As William Munny reminded us, we all have it coming.  If anyone is pleased to see how the courts can be politicized and manipulated against a fellow citizen, regardless of his philosophy, and gloat about it, then we are further along the road to ruin than even I imagined.     

        Liked by 3 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        They now envision Trump being put in jail and the descriptions are beyond imagination.

        They are hoping this judge will do it for his remarks he recently made.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. markone1blog Says:

    Two questions:
    1. How many times did you have to lose your lunch to research this?
    2. Regarding “Best of the swap” — what are we swapping?

    Liked by 1 person

    • markone1blog Says:

      Does it occur to you that, since Ms Maddow does not name her source of accesss to the courtroom that she might have an unwritten “non-disclosure agreement?” Therefore, with the money that she is paid (balanced against what she likely does not bring in when you consider advertising sales of her weekly “news”), she is likely more guilty of misappropriating funds that President Trump ever was.

      On Trump’s side: never mind that NDA’s are common fare for business agreements. Likewise, never mind that had he used campaign funds (as suggested AG James), he would have been violating law.


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