Macron Decimated by Le Pen’s Populists at Europarl Elections, Calls for Snap Elections

French President Emmanuel Macron calls for a sudden election after dissolving the National Assembly. Macron has said there will be legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. This is a reaction to his party’s loss to the far-right National Rally party in the European elections.

This after having to put up with Biden for several days. Add Zelensky and his push for ground troops. Interesting times. Here tis:

Le Pen’s populist-nationalist party got twice as many votes as the governing group of Emmanuel Macron’s globalist centrists in Sunday’s European Parliament election, prompting Macron to immediately dissolve the national parliament and call fresh French elections in a bid to regain authority for the remainder of his presidential term.

Shortly after President Macron announced he was calling fresh elections to buttress his position, National Rally (RN, Rassemblement National) leader Marine Le Pen took to the stage at her group’s election night party in Paris and declared their readiness to fight the snap election.

Hailing the progress of right-wing parties across Europe as the “dawn of a new day dawning for all the nations and peoples of Europe” and expressing her hope the result would finally comprehensively close “the painful globalist interlude which has caused the people of the world to suffer” Le Pen said it also confirmed the RN as the “great force for change for France”.

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Meanwhile in Belgium

Will Europe take a new direction?

Best of the swamp.

23 Responses to “Macron Decimated by Le Pen’s Populists at Europarl Elections, Calls for Snap Elections”

  1. Sam Huntington Says:

    The European Union was what Hitler had wanted, but it only took a longer way around.

    We’ve all heard the argument from fact-checkers, often attributed to American Socialist Norman Thomas, that goes something like this: “The American people will never knowingly embrace socialism.  But under the guise of liberalism, they will adopt every aspect of the socialist agenda until one day, America will wake up in a socialist state, oblivious to how it got there.”

    If Norm Thomas didn’t say it, and there is no proof that he did, someone said it — and after some thought, one can conclude that it is an accurate prediction.  I would have substituted “progressivism” for “liberalism.”

    The United States of Europe, a brainchild of Winston Churchill, was a thoroughly stupid idea, and in all honesty, I’m not sure we can argue that the multi-cultural United States has been much of a benefit to our society, either.

    There is always a line in the sand — the question is, where do we draw it?  Do we need Somalis or any other prattle-brained people from Africa or Southwest Asia to round out our uniquely American society?  What do Spaniards contribute to Anglo culture?  It may be too late, but if it isn’t, Americans better wise up.       

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mustang Says:

    It is hard for a rich man to let go of his money; it is harder for a politician to relinquish his power. Apparently, this shakeup has been in the works for some time—on the inside track.  Of course, it is a calculated risk and a very interesting development because here, we have the European tail wagging the French dog.  Macron is playing double-tier chess, and given the sudden recall of his former (first-term) advisors, he may be on the brink of panic mode.  There’s no other reason to use your house as collateral if the stakes aren’t huge.

    France: where it would be no scandal if Macron took Joe Biden as a lover.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Macron’s determination for boots on the ground in Ukraine is interesting… I wonder how his Frenchies feel about sending their boys to Ukraine? Maybe not so much… and those bombs get expensive.


  3. Bill Heffner Says:

    What you read about what happened and what actually happened are not necessarily the same thing. Because someone runs under the banner of a certain party does not mean that he/she is actually a supporter of said party. What the media quotes someone as saying and what they actually said may be two entirely different things. Even if cited accurately, a citation may mean something entirely different than what you are being told it means.

    “The stock market rose because unemployment increased.” The reporter is expressing a pet theory not based on actual facts, and did not interview a single person as to why they bought stock or paid a higher price for it. The stock market did rise, and unemployment did rise, but there is no evidence offered that one fact is related to the other as the citation asserts. He is expressing his pet theory as if it were an actual fact, to use today’s journalistic pet phrase “without evidence.” The phrase is used, however only when citing articles of faith posing as “facts” with which he disagrees, and never used when citing “facts” which support his pet theories.

    What happened in Europe? As best I can gather from all of the gibberish posing as news reporting, Macron lost (maybe, pending something happening in Parliment) so he is calling for another (do over) election next week. Maybe if Biden loses he can just call for a new election in December.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      I follow technical analysis of the market so news means very little to the market other than a day or two of ups and downs. After about 40 years of it, it seems to hold true for the most part for me. Momentum, sentiment…HIghs, Lows…. it is a great prediction of what is to be…

      We get very little to no foreign news… read their papers and their volgs….I have found several after a number of years to have at least a handle on reality. And there is a reality. People like to eat, the the Globalists have run into a buzz saw thinking they were going to close down farms and have people eat bugs.

      As Night Wind’s comment below pertaining to the Right in Europe– not the same as our Right here in America.. Plus they have been at this immigrant long before it got to the issue it has here thanks to Schwab.

      I am at a loss at to what the European form of government has to do with Biden.


  4. Macron dissolves French parliament after huge election defeat | The Most Revolutionary Act | Vermont Folk Troth Says:

    […] Macron Decimated by Le Pen’s Populists at Europarl Elections, Calls for Snap Elections | BUNKERVIL… […]

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Someday I’ll study how these elections work and what they mean.
    Maybe when I retire.
    The interaction between Euro Parliament elections and National Parliament elections escapes me.
    Snap elections? Is that where a leader calls a no-confidence vote against himself?


    • The Night Wind Says:

      It’s complicated, but as I understand it, each EU country has a race for representatives in the EU Parliament where their national parties run. After this election, Italy’s ruling party has the most seats (28%). They have to form coalitions, etc. When a nation’s opposition party wins, that’s seen as loss of confidence and so their presidents typically call for a special election like France and Belgium are doing. In theory, Macron could lose authority in the EU but be re-elected in France anyway, but that’s not likely to happen. The European system works where people vote for a Party instead of a candidate and whichever Party wins the most seats installs the President/Prime Minister. In theory, too, Macron’s Party could win in France but he gets removed by the Party leadership.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. The Night Wind Says:

    Europe’s leaders are only held up by NATO bayonets and Wall Street money. It’s gotten to the point where the population has become exasperated to the point where they can’t control them any longer. If we we’re seeing the same kind of movement in Europe that we’re seeing in Africa and the Middle East against the New World Order, then the Globalists are really going to have a problem.

    It must be remembered too that there’s a big difference between the European Right and North American Conservatives. The European Right is actually driven by a commitment to principle and not just a foil in the Uniparty. They understand what they’re really up against. I was watching Putin’s speech at the St. Petersburg Conference over the weekend and he pointed out that Western Civilization itself is at stake and the kind of cultural revolution that’s taken over North America would come to Europe unless they changed course.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. petermccullough233 Says:

    Could the message sent to the ruling elites, “You can mess with me but don’t mess with my farmland.”


    • bunkerville Says:

      It will be interesting to see where this goes… I never read far left… only far right so if you are against immigration, you are far right. They are nervous about Trump getting in….


  8. markone1blog Says:

    So, by the fact that Macron’s party got less than half of the votes, that doesn’t look good for them. Furthermore, to call someone a “centrist” among Frenshmen just shows the socialist standing of that person.

    What you have here is Joe Biden without the age or dementia.

    Liked by 3 people

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