Steve Bannon on Speaker Johnson’s Latest CR – ‘I Don’t Need A Theologian I Need a Speaker

The House Speaker pushes through another Continuing Resolution. This time Johnson needed more Democrats that Goppers to pass it. Says it all doesn’t it. Disaffection with Johnson grows.

The Conservative Tree House nails it with the headline

After Vowing No More Continuing Resolution Spending Bills Last Year, Guess What the Republican Majority UniParty Just Passed. 

Sundance proceeds with a masterful review of just how inane the whole budget process is and how far they have yet to go:

Yup, another kick-the-can continuing resolution spending bill has passed the House.  This extension lasts until March 1st and 8th.

The short-term CR negotiated in part by House Speaker Mike Johnson, passed the House on a 314-108 vote margin.  207 Democrats and 107 Republicans voted for it.  Yes, that’s correct; more democrats supported the CR than republicans, and this is with a republican house majority.

It’s a Democrat CR bill being brought up by a Republican House Speaker and passed by the UniParty.  Almost half of the Republicans voted against it (106), while just 2 Democrats voted no.  The DC UniParty in its full glory.

“Our Speaker, Mr. Johnson, said he was the most conservative speaker we’ve ever had, and yet here we are, putting this bill on the floor,” said. Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona in a floor speech ahead of the vote, adding that the situation is what “led to us to vacate Speaker McCarthy in the first place.”

Steve Bannon takes on the issue with Johnson in his inimitable style.

Steve Bannon On Speaker Johnson: “I Don’t Need A Theologian, I Need A Speaker Of The House” Skip the ads by clicking on the bottom of the clip.

Sundance ends the discussion with


Complete and utter dysfunction.

It is more than well worth riding over to the Conservative Tree House for the description of the steps to the process yet to unfold.

Read here

Indeed the very best of the swamp.