Christmas Eve – O Holy Night; The Other Christmas Gift

In the fall of 1847, a French wine merchant, Pierre Cappeau, was asked by his local priest to write a Christmas poem. Not long after, Cappeau showed this poem, “Minuit, chrétiens,” to the famed French composer Adolphe Adam, and within a few days Adam had composed a musical setting for it. Cappeau took the new song back to his home town of Roquemaure, where it was first performed at a midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, 1847.

The standard English translation, by the American Unitarian minister and music critic John Sullivan Dwight, dates from 1855. “O Holy Night” is one of the most dramatically beautiful Christmas carols ever penned but is unfortunately performed only rarely because of the melody’s extended range.

Matthew 2:6
But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah, for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of My people Israel.’”

The Other Christmas Gift

A reminder for us in all the hustle and bustle of the day just what is really important.

When faced with a tough decision, will these kids pick a Christmas gift for themselves or give it up for a gift for their family?

The children from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta were given the tough decision of choosing a present for themselves or one for their parents. The Video of the social experiment is entitled “The Other Christmas Gift. I post this most years, and I appreciate it as much this time as when I watched it before. I hope you enjoy it too..

The Other Christmas Gift

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!