WEF News: Kerry Claims to Be Part of a ‘Select Group of Human Beings’ Manchin ‘Problem is an Open Press’

Your intrepid reporter Bunk is on the job reporting on the latest news from the World Economic Forum.

Switzerland dispatched 5000 troops to protect these losers. 

What Schwab, Gates, Soros want for us? We will be denied heat, food, electricity, forced to eat bugs…while the master class would live frivolously: Greenpeace Accuses Davos Summit VIPs Of “Hypocrisy” Over Private Jet Use


Why are these people from the U.S. attending? Who is paying their freight?


Kerry shared:

It’s pretty extraordinary, that we a select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.  And it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about quote saving the planet.”

He goes on to say that what most people think about Kerry and others:

Most people think you’re just a crazy, treehugging, lefty, liberal, do-gooder, whatever…”

Yes, I believe he’s right about that.John Kerry, who was selected by  President Joe Biden to serve as climate envoy, owns six homes, two yachts, 12 cars, and a private jet.

Masters of the Universe


Then we have Joe Manchin opining on the Free Press

This is a hoot.

This is where we are as of today.



The best of the swamp from Bunk, reporting on the WEF.


Links worthy of a look –


Vermont Folk Troth

Can Weimar America Save Itself?


The Daily Gator – 

Rep. Ilhan Omar has the sads


Have a great day.



30 Responses to “WEF News: Kerry Claims to Be Part of a ‘Select Group of Human Beings’ Manchin ‘Problem is an Open Press’”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Georgia Governor Kemp is in Davros also.
    Trump was right.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Night Wind Says:

    Right before the meeting, Herr Schwab was telling his corporate media shills that the main agenda would be rolling out a blueprint for a ‘public-private partnership’ to stop ‘disinformation’ and to better ‘control the narrative’. I had a feeling that it would go from bad to worse after that. Tiananmen Trudeau also sent his second-in-command Chrystia Freeland over to Davos to trumpet new media restrictions pending in Canada’s Rump Parliament.

    The problem is that after these meetings wind up, people think it’s all forgotten until next year. What they don’t see is that these politicians and NGOs come back home and actually start implementing this garbage. Few people understand that, for example, their ‘Great Reset’ agenda from 2020 of a global medical despotism is already a plan that Willy Gates is pushing WHO to construct and work out international treaties. Their agenda in 2021 was ‘Climate Change’ and the Biden/Harris Junta is aggressively acting on their plan to take out 30% of US landmass from development by 2030. We’ve seen what happened in Holland with the Dutch farmlands being seized.

    Nobody should fall into the trap of thinking that these are just a bunch of elite eggheads having a frat party at a ski resort and mouthing platitudes. They’re fanatics and they intend to do what they say.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Agree and I don’t think for one nanosecond that their march doesn’t continue after the meeting and those who carry out this agenda are amply rewarded. While I attempt to use humor at times I in no way want to minimize the seriousness of the situation. If anything it should show the total absurdity as they display their messianic behavior. Yes, they do intend for us to eat bugs and take our cars. Get rid of our gas stoves. Thanks for your fine comment.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      I also agree. They have everything going for them … notably knowing that Americans have the memory and political understanding of a gnat. It is exactly as NW says. We know what the problem is, and the only permanent solution is frowned upon in most state courts.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Baysider Says:


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  3. Baysider Says:

    “Working almost full-time to win the battle of climate change.” Don Quixote call your office!! Why not something useful like winning the battle of the bulge, alcoholism, or porn addiction – all issues more readily contained than climate change.

    And what the hell is Joe Manchin talking about?? Why not just sweep away the 2nd amendment once you’re done with the first? They’re certainly working on the 13th, that’s for damn sure.

    “Corrupting the information ecosystem” that “attacks trust.” Y-e-a-h. You are a PRIME example. Keep diggin’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      I have been reading rumors that the topics are getting so much negative attention that the principles are taking a powder and can’t be found. Apparently the MSM have found this gem of a Davos meeting a less than positive distraction from Biden’s documents.


      • Dave Drake Says:

        Have you seen reports that Soros and Schwab, at the last minute, pulled a no-show? Then, that only Soros canceled. I’ve seen it on Twitter, NoQ Report and other sites. I wonder what’s up. Deliberate disinfo? Wasn’t Schwabo on stage there the other day?


  4. nrringlee Says:

    I am reminded of an insane speech, one of many given by none other than John Kerry in late November of 2016. In that address he declared the ‘Four Noes” of Middle East Peace. This follows on with the infamous “Three Noes” of Arab League notoriety. Shortly thereafter the Trump Administration commenced the prep fires for the Abrahamic Accords. John, would you care for a helping of Humble Sauce on your crow?

    This man is like his soul mate, Joe Biden. Wrong on every major issue of national security since entering public life.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. geeez2014 Says:

    1000 private jets……..how much do they really care about environments?
    Until China and India are called out for their filth, who can take these dopes seriously? Meanwhile, is the subtitle of this event “…and HOW TO DESTROY AMERICA WITH NONSENSICAL, EXTREMIST RULES?” Seems like it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Include the world as well…….they say there are simply too many of us. We need to go back 500 year of what the population was…


    • Mustang Says:

      According to the Transnational Institute (in Amsterdam), the members of WEF believe, and publicly argue, that as “stakeholders” on the world stage, the rules that they intend to apply to “normal” people do not apply to them.

      They argue that a system of government is needed in which people like Klaus Schwab, John Kerry, Bill Gates, Joe Manchin, Samantha Powers, Louis Gates, and Bill Ayers run the show, and the rest of us do what we’re told.

      This may seem vaguely familiar to the attitudes of bygone days when a man named Adolf decided that the world should run according to his dictates. Initially, Adolf was defeated — and he was indeed killed, but his ideology remains.

      Today, the global socialist schema has become part of the WEF and other fruitcake operations, such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, the European Union’s core principles, and — wait for it — the American Democratic National Party Platform. Never forget that fascism, Nazism, and progressivism are all leftist ideologies — which Democrats support whenever they go to the polls.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Utopia has yet to be found though these ideologies are tried time and time again expecting a different outcome but usually costing millions their lives.


      • Mustang Says:

        Yes, that’s true. There is no Utopia — except that we can tuck our loving wives and children safely to bed at night. Who wants more than that?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Baysider Says:

        Bingo! That’s why they are totally fine with a 1000 private jets. What happened to ZOOM guys? You expect the REST of us to use the CCP’s spyware.

        Liked by 1 person

      • geeez2014 Says:

        Right, Mustang; here’s the biggest problem; If we say anything disagreeable to this “select group” of rich bigwigs, we’re not smart, we don’t care about the environment, etc…As Kerry said “They look at us as crazy tree huggers..” Etc. Well, I’M a tree hugger, hate when trees come down, but I recognize, like any thinking person, that our society isn’t prepared for “EVs only”, our grid is horribly behind the times and they want to throw TONS more electricity at it!? AND, they had Brian Stelter, formerly of CNN, talk about those who give WRONG INFORMATION. That seems to be the mantra of the Left now “If you disagree with US, you’re giving WRONG INFORMATION and MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS”…………..George Soros will be behind that. SO, if we can’t fight back, THEN WHAT?

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Night Wind Says:

        During WW2, Klaus Schwab’s father was on the SS payroll, part of a group of businessmen who set up front companies in Switzerland to evade sanctions against Germany. Bill Gates’ dad was in officer training, but kept stateside until after the war because Army Intel suspected him of being a Nazi sympathizer. Soros was of course a traitor and collaborator. He was a teenager during the war and it’s rumored in Eastern Europe that he was a gigolo and informant for perverted SS men. After the war, he knew where the ‘buried loot’ was among his erstwhile boyfriends, and that was how he built his initial fortune. John Kerry’s dad was a Deep State spook and his mom’s family were involved in smuggling Opium to China. The Bush Family engineered Operation Paperclip etc, etc

        These are the kinds of scum who set this whole machinery in motion; and this agenda is basically nothing more than a sanitized version of Naziism, emphasizing it’s utopianism over its brutality. If you’ve seen their proposed ‘Smart Cities’ they’re basically Concentration/Forced Labor Camps where the guards wear smiley-face buttons instead of skulls-and-crossbones and the inmates get Happy Pills instead of beatings.


  6. Mustang Says:

    Geeez, Joe … you can’t have it both ways. You can’t have a propaganda ministry and then complain about it. Or perhaps he was talking about giving Twitter back to the people.

    I shake my head (either in disgust or utter confusion — I’m not certain which) when so-called conservatives begin beating their chest for Joe Manchin … because he was “holding out” on the $1.7 Gazillion spending bill.

    Apparently, some who laughingly call themselves conservative are unaware that Manchin was holding out for himself … expecting a bigger piece of the pie before sending our economy to hell. Idiots abound … and they aren’t all on the left.

    I wonder if Der Fuhrer knows that most of Sen. Manchin’s $10 million bank account comes from the coal industry. Gasp!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Did you nail it…. and as I recall, votes with the Dems over 90 percent of the time…
      sure.. he is going to become a Goper.. I wonder why he slid over to Davos and made these remarks..getting back his street creds I guess.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. markone1blog Says:

    When I first saw Kerry, my first thought was “Skeletor” (which, of course matches the “Masters of the Universe” heading). Then there is also the ET shadow (alluding to his deluded quote).

    If these guys believed half of what they verbally spew (and I am sure they spew a lot out of the other end), they would stay home.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. peter3nj Says:

    Of all the elitist globalist jabberwocky my favorite is “as we fracture along tribal lines.” Inhaling too much jet fuel emissions?

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Gatordoug Says:

    Tan for the linkage

    Liked by 2 people

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