SEIU thanks Marxist organization

I still  remain puzzled how the SEIU can attract so many Blue Collar workers. These are not the Blue Collars that I grew up with. Yes, they would fight for hours and benefits. Communism? No, they were pure Red, White and Blue. Here we go:

New Zeal:

I have long contended that the US’ largest and most militant labor organization the Service Employees International Union, is allied to, or subordinate to, the country’s largest Marxist organization – Democratic Socialists of America.

I highly recommend a look at the following issue link below of the DSA’s publication. Just in case anyone is still out there wondering.

Here is proof of this connection, from the latest edition of DSA’s Democratic Left, Winter 2011/2012, page 11:

Detroit DSA leader David Green wrote in Democratic Left, Spring 2007:

Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. Our immediate task is to limit the capitalist class’s prerogatives in the workplace…In the short run we must at least minimize the degree of exploitation of workers by capitalists. We can accomplish this by promoting full employment policies, passing local living wage laws, but most of all by increasing the union movement’s power…

Another find from Gulag Bound Thanks.

10 Responses to “SEIU thanks Marxist organization”

  1. Z Says:

    You made such a good distinction in your first paragraph about the Blue Collar workers you grew up with…yes, what a huge difference. Sort of like the immigrants we grew up with who wanted to learn our language and be Americans and the illegals coming in now to live on us.
    Imagine an American group giving thanks to SOcialists……..I never thought it would happen; not one that big and powerful. Scary times, Bunkerville!


  2. Cheryl Pass Says:

    Here, where I live, the heirs of former mill workers are clammoring to build a memorial to a woman mill worker who in 1929 was killed after the Communists came in, used her as their mouthpiece to foment riots, killed the sheriff, shut down the mills, and caused all kinds of suffering. Here we are some 83 yrs, later and these folks think the Communists and the woman are heroes. It makes me really sad there are people among us who are that dumb about socialism. No doubt they will want to use our taxes to build this travesty. Silverfiddle is right …unions = thinly veiled socialists. Your post, Bunker, shows the veil is dropping and they are more and more brazen. Obama gave SEIU the green light and they have been moving faster ever since. Alas!


    • bunkerville Says:

      It is amazing isn’t it, how far we have come in a few decades. The Macarthy hearings- now we learn that it was the beginning of the infiltration and much of it true. Now we speak out, and we are portrayed as nuts. Go figure.


  3. Alan Sexton Says:

    Interesting bedfellows these are.


  4. silverfiddle Says:

    Unionism has always been thinly disguised socialism, the rank and file just didn’t want to accept it.

    I am glad these communist termites are now coming out of the woodwork and into the light of day where we can squash them like the bugs that they are.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I would think they would want to keep a low profile with the up coming election. They must have done polling and determined to flaunt their position. I guess not much different than the pipeline. When they found out that only 56 percent “somewhat” favored it, they said what the heck, move on with our agenda.


  5. bydesign001 Says:

    For starters, it is fair to say, that the SEIU extended their best wishes on behalf of its membership who more than likely have no idea.

    Next and here is the unfortunate part, while many do not approve of the Marxist connection, they have chosen the receipt of meat and potatoes over doing what is right or calling the union to task for their Marxist leanings.

    I know this because I have had the same discussion with a neighbor who belongs to the teachers’ union in NYC. As disgusting as they are, she justifies it by saying “I’m not giving up my union.” Of course, it is fair to say that this sixth grade teacher is an alcoholic who has tenure.


    • bunkerville Says:

      and so “The ends justifies the means’ apparently in today’s ethos. Appealing to that aspect in the human nature that can easily want something for nothing. That requires a certain amount of self-discipline. Thinking about the future and not living in the present. I am living in the wrong century apparently.


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