Haitian President ‘Clinton tried to bribe me,’ reveals the Clinton Foundation

I had read a few small reports that Donald Trump had met with the Haitian Community while he was in Miami doing a rally. The report was that he was well received. No where was it mentioned that during a town hall, Trump listened to the Haitian President. What he does is EXPOSES the Clinton Foundation: “Clinton tried to bribe me!” We know that Haiti was the Clinton’s piggy bank. Here we go:

She defrauded the people of Haiti…

“I spent 4 hours with Bill Richardson to tell Bill Clinton not to invade Haiti.
A week later the embassy called me and told me that Bill Clinton has a messenger for him.

He came and told me to sign with Bill Clinton, join his movement and Clinton will make me the richest man in Haiti.

I told him he is a principled man and I will not sell out…

A week later, Clinton revoked my visa.”

He just challenged Trump to ask Hillary Clinton to publish the audit of all the money they have stolen from Haiti in 2010.

h/t Jim Quinn ‘s The Burning Platform blog, and Zerohedge