McCrystal: Obama’s Operation Smokescreen

As with all things Obama only a swift move to another crisis can halt the daily media drone about what his administration is not doing in the Gulf.  In essence,  McCrystal handed Obama a gift.

The gift of a fresh news cycle where Obama can puff up his chest in indignation.  And most importantly turn heads away from the gush in Gulf.

Don’t think he didn’t see this for what it is.  An opportunity to “manage”  the news cycle and a person to pin the mismanagement and failures in Afghanistan on.

McCrystal’s “On the Cover of the Rolling Stone” motives aren’t quite clear.  But for someone with his background and strict adherence to military hierarchy, he had to know what he was doing.  You can’t tell me that he didn’t know exactly what his soldiers were saying and the consequences of hitting the hornets nest so publicly.   Nothing but excessive frustration could be the reason.

Finally, as a recent Tweet spells it out…Only the left  could think a general with 30 yrs of service is an idiot and  a 3 year community organizer is a military genius.