Omar tells Sanders supporters, he will ‘fight against western imperialism’


Rep. Ilhan Omar says she is excited Sen. Bernie Sanders will “fight against western imperialism.”

“I am beyond honored and excited for a president that will fight against western imperialism and fight for a just world,” Omar said during a Sanders campaign rally in Minneapolis.


Omar could only praise comrade Sanders, who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. We are to forget the Soviet Union wasn’t on everyone’s bucket list as a travel destination. This at the height of the cold war. That he is even polling a number tells us what has happened to our educational system.

“The fight for human rights is undeniable. And when we recognize injustices of the past and present,” Omar said. “Whether it is genocide against Jewish people, Armenians or Rwandans or Bosnians or Native Americans or more. We realize that that recognition isn’t about punishing our political foes, but leading within a moral obligation.”

Other than that all is well in the swamp.

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24 Responses to “Omar tells Sanders supporters, he will ‘fight against western imperialism’”

  1. Dave Hardesty Says:

    So is he going to replace it with Middle-Eastern Islamic fanaticism?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Terri D. Says:

    God, please help us.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Mustang Says:

    What people say, and how they say it, reflects what they think. What they think, and how they process information, has much to do with how they were raised, their experiences, and how they perceive the world around them. One would imagine that Omar, raised in war-torn Somalia, who escaped to Kenya to avoid the conflict, later gaining asylum in the United States, might rely on those experiences to guide her future endeavors. Having tasted civil violence, she might demonstrate some gratitude to the American people and their government for the opportunities offered them in “the new world.”

    She certainly does avail herself of the opportunities available to her in a free society: to have and express an opinion; freedom of association; access to our institutions. Not many “refugees” gain access to the House of Representatives. Of course, fighting for human rights is a good thing, but one wonders —if this is an important aspect of who Omar is, why isn’t she fighting for Somalis in her own country? Well, the truth is that she and her father/grandfather not only fled Somalia to escape conflict, they were also escaping the prevailing tribalism that defines Somali politics. There is no blame attached to that. Yet one wonders, what “imperialism” does she (and Comrade Sanders) refer to? Is it the humanitarian assistance offered to Somalis when they were starving to death? That particular effort didn’t end well for the Americans sent there to effect peace and access to food and clean water. The tribal leaders, or so it seems, would rather have Somalis starving to death than relinquishing tribal powers—we all understand how that works, but I wonder … would Omar have preferred that the Americans just stay home? Well, in honesty, I could support such a proposition when there is no glaring US interest in Somalia (and dozens of other fourth-world countries).

    I personally think that Omar isn’t very grateful to the United States or the American people for where she is today, but perhaps she is offering us a “teaching moment” for our future engagements with other countries, and our immigration and asylum policies. Honestly, it isn’t her fault that we Americans never learn any valuable lessons from history. Personally, I see no value or benefit to the United States to feed people who want us dead, to spend gazillions of taxpayer dollars on medicines to keep them well, or offer them access to the land of milk and honey when all they wish to do is criticize us or threaten our communities. Maybe Omar is right … we should withdraw our tens of billions of dollars from the foreign aid/humanitarian assistance account. Maybe, even, spend that money here at home where we too have starving people, sick people, and homeless people.

    As for Bernie Sanders, this is what happens when people fail to clean up after their pets.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      It is a puzzle to me…. a new breed of immigrant who cares not one bit for their new homeland and like it or not that is what it is… their homeland. I do not understand the hatred. Looks like Europe is getting a lesson. Let us hope we can learn from them before the SHTF here….
      I wish there would be a good investigation of Omar and her family. I have read rumblings of her previous situation… I guess marrying one’s brother and taking illegal contributions isn’t enough to kick her out of congress.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Dave Hardesty Says:

        Heard a term last night that might shed some light on the problem here. ‘modern Islamist’ or ‘modern Muslim’. Don’t exactly know how Sharia Law applies in all of that but if it’s New and Modern the millennial generation will certainly go with it. :
        “Like oh I believe in God or Allah but I don’t like follow all the stuff I like read in the Bible or Quran. Like that’s so old fashion.”

        Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      Actually, I have always thought that incest was one of the qualifiers for becoming a member of Congress. Agree, where is the impartial investigation? Why is she being protected/not being held to account? A charge of incest or of fraud would seem to fall outside the scope of a congressional ethics investigation. Sounds more like law-enforcement 101 to me.

      Liked by 2 people


      👎Was an accident by my fat finger. I meant👍👍👍👍👍👍.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. peter3nj Says:

    Stalin would be turning in his grave knowing Bernie along with his Uber corrupt family are living the capitalist dream while advocating socialism for the rest of us. But if course those in his audience have never heard of Stalin or the 30+ million he starved to death with his five year plan; another thing they’ve never heard of.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      The most disgusting part of this is having Omar spewing this nonsense….. let her go back to Somalia and see how things are working out.. If she were a GOPer she would be already out of office for all of her corruption, We give her a new life and our hospitality and she turns around and wants to screw us..

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      I actually think Stalin would be high-fiving Satan knowing that a Jew has bought into Stalinism, hook, line, and sinker.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. GP Cox Says:

    How do those people sitting there, cheer for this trash and still call themselves American? We have allowed socialists that border on communists into our political arenas. Their justice “for all” always boils down to justice for those who rule and the middle class will pay for it all.

    Liked by 3 people

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