Who’s Coming to Dinner?

By Mustang

Ted Bundy (1946-1989) was a serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, necrophile, and thief.He was convicted of assaulting and murdering numerous young women and girls during the 1960s and 1070s and just before his death, he admitted to having murdered 30 people in seven states.Now then, given what we know about Ted Bundy, would any sane or rational person invite that scum to dinner?


In 1963, US Representative Syd Herlong stood in the U. S. House of Representatives and said, “Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of Deland, Florida is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the Deland Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following “Current Communist Goals,” which she identifies as an excerpt from The Naked Communist, by Cleon Skousen.”

I won’t provide the entire list, but here are a few that you may find particularinteresting and remember, this is from a book published in 1958:

4.Argue for free trade between all nations regardless of communist affiliation and without regard of whether or not trade items could be used for war.

6.Urge American foreign aid to all nations, regardless of communist domination.

7.Insist upon recognition of Red China and it’s admission to the UN[1].

11.Promote the UN as a globalist organization and the only hope for mankind.

13.Demand an end to oaths of loyalty to the government of the United States or any state thereof[2].

15.Capture one or both of the political parties in the US[3].

16.Weaken the US Constitution to weaken basic American Institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights[4].

17.Get control of public schools; use them as transmission belts for socialism and communist propaganda.Soften curriculum.Get control of teachers’ unions.Put the party line in textbooks.

19.Organize and foment public and student unrest against programs or organizations that oppose Marxist movements.

20.Infiltrate the press.

21.Gain control of key positions in radio, television, and motion pictures.

23.Gain influence over artists, art critics, and museum curators.

24.Convince jurists to rule against obscenity laws by arguing that they violate free speech, freedom of expression, and a free press.

25.Promote pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, films, radio, and television.

26.Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as being normal, natural, and healthy.

27.Infiltrate churches and replace revealed religion with social and moral relativism.

28.Eliminate prayer in schools.

29.Discredit the US Constitution by labeling it inadequate, old fashioned, and out of step with the demands of a modern society.

34.Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities[5].

39.Infiltrate the psychiatric profession with a view toward labeling anyone opposed to communism as intolerant, bigoted, fanatical, and xenophobic, and narrow-minded.

40.Discredit the family as an institution; encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41.Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of their parents[6].

42.Insist that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of America’s tradition: incite students, anarchists, and special interest groups to demonstrate against economic, political, and social policies.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal[7].

One might criticize Dr. Skousen as a Bircher[8] and/or for his be institutions (including religion), 
and policies of the federal government.Before we roll our eyes and judge the man too harshly,
we ought to consider another eye-opening effort.
Anthony Napoleon, PhD and Yevgeni Yevtushenkov authored 
A Look Inside the Playbook: How Marxists Plan to Destroy America.

The foreword to this manual for Marxists includes the following:

“We have transformed America’s press into agencies that would put to shame our Izvestia and Pravda of our golden years back in the USSR. Our enemy’s children have been “turned” and now represent one of our core demographics. We have successfully fractured America into competing groups; each estranged from the country that is their home.”

“Our once powerful enemy is unsure and insecure about its history and traditions. We have inculcated shame and promoted ignorance into America’s children such that by the time they become adults they are ashamed of their country while having little or no insight or knowledge about the ways of the world. And they don’t even know what has happened to them.”

The reader may be interested in the Amazon (dot com) summary of this book: “Imagine if you could study the operations manual of a master American Marxist trainer, someone who teaches American communist operatives the strategies and tactics they must use to subvert the citizens of the United States of America.Well, now you can.A Look Inside the Playbook: How Marxists Plan to Destroy Americais THE Bible of American communist subversion strategies and tactics.In this training manual you will learn Marxist’s methods, their thinking, strategies and inside secrets that have been used so successfully against the people of the United States of America. The authors provide readers with a tell-all exposé on the dangerously sophisticated subversive techniques being used by collectivist revolutionaries intent upon subverting American principles and values and replacing them with communist inspired tyranny.”For more about this book, see following notes[9].

Now I will include a short excerpt from Chapter One:

“From this moment forward we are no longer Marxists, Communists, Collectivists or Socialists. We are Progressives or simply Liberals. After all, to not be Progressive is to be regressive and that is what our enemies are: Regressive and backward.

“From this moment forward we shall not look or behave like those who came before us. Our grandfathers and mothers made the mistake of identifying themselves honestly in all manner and style.”

“You will come to trust the fact that we can hide in plain view. We have spent decades blurring the difference between image and substance. You can count on our victim’s inability to see past our facade. Be filled with joy, fellow comrade, with the confidence that comes from knowing that you can hide in plain sight!”

Now then, given what we know about the communist-centered Democratic Part
y —that Democrats have been working with international communists for
 decades to subvert American culture, destabilize America’s unique 
institutions, and overwhelm the US government with Marxist infiltrators
 who despise the US Constitution and the liberties enjoyed by the American people
— why would any rational patriot ever vote for a Democrat?



[1] Accomplished by President Carter in 1979.

[2] Since the 1960s, loyalty oaths have been repeatedly challenged on grounds that they violated the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of association. The US Supreme Court avoided addressing these problems during the McCarthy Era.During the 1960s, it began striking down such oaths on the basis of vagueness and undue breadth. On 16 October 1961 Cramp v. Board of Education was argued and in 1962, the Court struck down the Florida requirement that teachers swear “I have not and will not lend my aid, support, advice, counsel or influence to the Communist party”. This decision was followed in 1964 by its lack of support for two oaths, one of which required teachers to promote respect for the flag, reverence for law and order, and loyalty to the institutions of the United States and the State of Washington.Arizona and New York teacher oaths affirming lack of association with subversive organizations were struck down in 1966 and 1967.

[3] In his book “Reagan’s War,” Peter Schweitzer demonstrated the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party.Some may find alarming the leftward movement of conservative politicians.

[4] This provision was seized by Moslems in the 1990s and 9/11 hijackers were instructed to use the US Constitution to help destroy the United States.One might conclude that Moslems and American communists share a common goal.

[5] Abolished in 1975

[6]It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us is a book published in 1996 by Hillary Clinton (ghost written by Barbara Feinman, uncredited).In it, Clinton presents her vision for the children of America—focusing on the impact individuals and groups outside the family have, for better or worse, on a child’s well-being.Clinton advocates a society which meets all of a child’s needs.

[7]Democratic President Jimmy Carter relinquished control of the Canal in 1977.

[8]The John Birch Society is private organization founded in the US on 9 December 1958 by Robert H. W. Welch, Jr. (1899–1985).The purpose of JBS is to confront communism in the United States while promoting conservative causes. The name derives from John Birch, an American Baptist missionary and U.S. Army intelligence officer who was killed by Chinese communists on 25 August 1945.The JBS argues that Birch was the first casualty of the Cold War. 

[9] “I want to know how this information became public? I worked as a behavioral scientist in the former Soviet Union on subversion research. Moscow University, through Serbsky Center, employed the top psychologists and psychiatrists in our country. We even had on staff American ex-pats with PhD’s who were Marxist inspired. Our work somehow made it out of our top-secret labs into this book. I was personally responsible for the “indoctrination unit.” This unit funded American writers and public-school unions along with top celebrity plants and politicians who secretly promoted our revolutionary goals. What happened is that our revolution failed in the USSR, as it will ultimately fail in America, but not until it destroys America just like it destroyed mother Russia.”

“I write this review because today my fellow Russians tore down a prominent statue of Lenin. In America your “Progressive” politicians and subversives, including your White House, are busy metaphorically erecting statues of Lenin all over the USA. You are making the same mistake we made. Perhaps no one is reading this book by looking at the numbers (ranking), but you must ask yourself why in God’s name would you not read that which we protected with lethal force because it was so important? I personally know the answer to that question because that was my area of expertise: The forces that control the media in your country are our agents. They belong to us. Your media has only one option when it comes to this expose, hit the ignore button. What fools you all are. You are well on your way to killing your once great country. God help you, you will need it.”—Vladimir Ulanov

12 Responses to “Who’s Coming to Dinner?”

  1. Kid Says:

    We’re very close to this being over imo. One more democrat white house and congressional majority will put the last nail in. Not just from what the dems will do, but by the surrender or ignorance of the voters in allowing it to happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I was given a copy of None Dare call it Treason in high school bya teacher who after graduation became my employer and then friend.
    He’d get fired for handing that out today.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. the unit Says:

    Well, maybe we’ll get this much notice as time goes by. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. petermc3 Says:

    Bravo Bunker. Three observations: What was not and could not be foreseen in 1958: (1)That today’s capitalist billionaires would be funding and promoting the “progressive “takeover. It would be poetic justice to see them all swinging a’la Mussolini when the fall comes. (2) That a smooth talking “in the closet” anti-white Mulatto racist would be elected In 2008 and again in 2012 despite a failed first term. We were not, for all intent and purposes, a divided country in 2008. Today a mere 10 years later the Mullato’s legacy leaves us a hair’s breath away from all out civil war. (3) That a two pronged attack first by LBJ’s Great Societal partial take over of the health care system followed 55 years later ( talk about incrementalism and the waiting game played to perfection) by the coup d’etat Obama Care destroying while claiming to rescue the once greatest healthcare system on the planet would be compliments of a conservative on the SCOTUS bench. Of course this is one big understatement but i felt like writing it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Well stated Peter… indeed so true. McCarthyism might have faded away into the dust bin of history had it not been for the events you so well described. Add to that the influx of those from the sewers of the world who have not a hint of what it took for the Land of the Free to come into existence. Instead they would have us return to the same hell holes from which they came.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      The attack on America has been going on for a very long time. The greatest threat to our country is not a foreign government; it is (and has always been) from within our own borders. In 1934, retired USMC Major General Smedley Butler appeared before Congress to expose a conspiracy against the government of the United States. A group of wealthy capitalists (labeled as pro-fascists) attempted to recruit Butler (the son of a US Senator) to lead a coup d’état against President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He gathered evidence against these people and took his information to the Congress. Owing the elite stature of these pro-fascists, Congress failed to pursue the allegations, but a quiet investigation of the fact did confirm Butler’s testimony.

      Now of course, one might wonder why capitalists would want to launch a government overthrow. At this time, there were two essential camps: those who were pro-communist (Roosevelt and the Democratic Party) and those who were anti-communist (judged to be pro-fascist). My statement here should result in several questions among thinking Americans, not the least of which is: why would Congress NOT act upon Butler’s testimony? The answer to this could be a long one —but I think the short version is that our elected politicians were then, and are now, paralyzed because of their financial connections to the so-called movers and shakers. A modern example of this is that at the time of the housing collapse, not a single wealthy executive was ever charged with malfeasance or held to account for his or her role in the economic collapse of the American economy. There have always been two rules in America: rules that apply to the wealthy elite, and rules that apply to everyone else.

      Liked by 4 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Thoughtful comment Mustang… I would only suggest that it was an over reach the past decade that brought about the resistance. Too much too soon.”They” no longer filtered their agenda through a rose color lens. An awareness of what was happening, otherwise the die was cast. A new McCarthyism of sorts was born, as you so aptly describe in response. Find the suckers.

        Liked by 1 person

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