Hillary Clinton’s Magical Mystery Tour of India – Part II, What you may have missed


By now you no doubt have seen the clips of Hillary toppling down the stairs in India and probably the clip where she calls us “backwards.” In case you missed those: Hillary twice nearly falls on her rump after dissing Red State America

But this was a long interview and there were other splash hits of hers that are not getting the attention they deserve. So I am giving you two “extras.” If I find more clips I will add them. Until then, a post over at the Federalist covers the ground that gives the full details of the happening. Link at the bottom of the post:

During an event in Mumbai, India with Bollywood stars, Hillary Clinton was reportedly introduced as the “woman who should have been the president of the United States of America” and she told those gathered that America “did not deserve” President Trump.

She was asked if America deserved Trump after the event’s host remarked “it’s commonly said that countries deserve the governments they get.”

“Well, I would have to say no, we did not deserve that,” Clinton replied.



Clinton Blames Her Loss on White Women Listening to Their Husbands


Here is a good overview of the interview of her in as she spins her web of distortion and hate entitled

‘Backwards’: Hillary Clinton Apparently Still Has No Clue Why She Lost

Her condescending words targeted voters in states that twice voted for Obama, and show she still doesn’t understand why Americans didn’t vote for her at  The Federalist :
Clinton compared herself to the mother of the country, trying to enforce something wholesome that the children aren’t fond of. She said, “She ran the presidential campaign like a mother who was telling the kids to eat spinach because it was good for health while the other guy was asking them to go eat fast food and have ice-cream,” India Today reported. Clinton may not have realized it, but this also sheds a lot of light on how she sees the average American. She views them as short-sighted, more interested in junk than substance, and in her words, they’re “backwards.”

23 Responses to “Hillary Clinton’s Magical Mystery Tour of India – Part II, What you may have missed”

  1. Mustang Says:

    I’m not a clinical psychologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. From what I’ve gleaned from those who have seen Hillary’s behavior first had, she is a very thin-skinned individual who, whenever she loses her temper, becomes profane in the extreme and mightily vindictive toward those who’ve managed to piss her off. So, I have to ask, who in the right mind chooses someone as psychotic as this to serve in positions of national leadership?

    Hillary criticizes the “reality TV” strategy used by her opponent, but wasn’t it Barack Obama who used social media to nudge out John McLame? How is that less creative than Mr. Trump’s strategies?

    The worst, however, was her commentary about minorities. Let’s recall that American blacks were a primary enemy of the political left for decades. Democrats lynched blacks for decades, and when this strategy had run its course, the left threw its full support behind Margaret Sanger’s Eugenics program, which continues to this very day. Two decades after that, beginning in the early 1950s, Democrats realized that blacks would help them win elections. Johnson’s so-called Great Society was only the tip of that iceberg. Now, given this history, I am stymied why a thinking black person would support any Democratic platform today. Ah, but realizing that blacks only account for 13% of our voting population, it became necessary to co-opt other minorities, Hispanics chief among them. But that isn’t enough either, so now they target illegal aliens to vote Democrat. What do you think “Sanctuary Cities” is all about? And does anyone think for a New York minute that tens of thousands of Pakistanis, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, and Yeminis have been granted asylum for humanitarian reasons? Today, we are left with huge numbers of neo-Democrats lining up to vote for free stuff and a real hope that Sharia Law will one day replace the United States Constitution. Who among these tens of thousands of refugees doesn’t think that socialism isn’t a great idea? It is the central plank of any Islamic Republic. And, by the way, Sharia Law would be okay for most illegal immigrants, too. Side note: when you listen to the dialogue on every single news media outlet, what you hear from the left is the insistence that there is no such thing as an illegal alien: they are merely undocumented immigrants. If you speak a lie often enough, it becomes an unvarnished truth.

    Our situation today is a puzzle … and, unhappily, a puzzle that most Americans aren’t smart enough to solve for themselves. We aren’t finished with Hillary Clinton yet … she will leave us with an organism that will continue her mother’s unfinished work. I do not have a very good feeling about this country’s future.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. jtdorsaneo Says:

    She is seriously mentally ill. A very sick woman.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    She is despicable! I don’t know what else I can say about her. She continues to attack and belittle the people who did not vote for her and even some Democrats want her to shut up because they feel she is doing them damage.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I am wondering just how much longer this book tour goes… I have a feeling she is probably having another one ghost written as we speak.

      Liked by 1 person

      • petermac3 Says:

        I understand that coming this fall 7-11’s across the country will be seiiing her new clothing line. While in India she signed a deal to manufacture madras pant suits.


  4. Simply Linda Says:

    I’m a little late today in joining in…but you can go to https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/, they are not really talking about it. I use News Connect for research. Its a great database to get world news.

    As for Hillary…sigh. What can I say?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. hocuspocus13 Says:

    Yes…we Americans did vote for the “ice cream”

    To have some extra money in our pockets

    To be able to find jobs

    To get bigger paychecks

    Which would allow us to once again savor in the sweet treats America has to offer us

    …yum…🍦🍦🍦… ice cream anyone I’m buying…

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Always On Watch Says:

    Look at the smirking way that HRC tucks her head at the first portion of the first posted video.

    What she says in the second video is infuriating.

    Great post, Bunkerville!

    Liked by 4 people

  7. petermc3 Says:

    For the past 40 years or so since the influx of Indians to the US “melting pot” I have admired them for their education, intelligence, hard work and self reliance on family rather than sucking up entitlement money which is clearly ear-marked for the american negro,the african negro, the Caribbeans, muslims and south americans both legal and illegal. But the fawning sucklings in this audience have put a dent in that image as we now know that the liberal PC mindset has infected and taken hold in India, most probably due to so many working at liberal american company call centers. The fact that the republican mascot, the elephant, is a favorite in the sub-continent should be enough alone for this audience to throw rotten tomatoes at this fat ass staircase tripper whose poor circulation requires her to drape a blanket over her varicose veined flabby cottage cheese thighs even though the auditorium thermostat is surely set at a sweltering 84 degrees or so (Indians like the heat). While this witch continues to rake in more money than she can ever spend in the next several lifetimes from speaking fees she illustrates to an approving world her and her party’s disdain, hatred and disrespect for americans and america. Forget about the president we deserve, we’re getting the Clintons we deserve.

    Liked by 3 people

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