Kerry tells Congress to go to heck. Will he take ‘agreement’ to the U.N.?

Haughty John Kerry who just gave a lecture to Congress about “interfering” with policy was the same man who gave aid and comfort to our enemy during the Vietnam War. So now the Iran deal is not a treaty but an agreement that will be taken to the U.N. and sanctions will be lifted. I ask you, who is the traitor?

The Obama administration hinted Thursday that it may take elements of an Iranian nuclear deal to the United Nations — while bypassing Congress for now. And that possibility has turned an already ugly political fight over the negotiations even nastier.

In one scenario floated this week, the White House would not immediately put aspects of an Iran deal up for a vote in Congress. Instead, the Obama administration would take aspects of the agreement to the United Nations Security Council — making the U.N. the target of a Congressional hatefest.

More at Daily Beast

Here is ‘patriot’ Kerry interfering and lying during a time when our men and women were at war,

20 Responses to “Kerry tells Congress to go to heck. Will he take ‘agreement’ to the U.N.?”

  1. Mustang Says:

    As I read the paper each morning, I keep hoping to read an article that tells us of the unfortunate demise of these three people: Obione, Kerry, and JMJ. The first murdered by his transgender wife, the second beheaded by one of America’s few remaining allies, and the third torn apart by three teams of jackasses.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    Then we have liberals suggesting we GO AROUND CONGRESS 🙂 Sure! What the heck’s the Constitution for, anyway? We don’t teach it at school anymore (as witnessed by JMJ above), we don’t respect it or the flag, we have a president who’s become a dictator and we slam the only channel in this country that gives both sides of most arguments.
    Bye Bye, Miss American Pie.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My Article Read (3-12-2015) (3-13-2015) | My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Kerry tells Congress to go to heck. Will he take ‘agreement’ to the U.N.? […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jersey McJones Says:

    Screw the GOP. Go around them. This Iran thing is a big, complicated problem, way over the heads of common conservatives. They don’t have the votes to stop Obama, and they only make themselves look worse trying. That stupid letter proved the GOP in the Senate is now just as dumb as the GOP in the House, incapable of governing. It’s one thing to get your votes from people who watch FOX News, but it’s another thing to actually do what they want. 2016 is going to be a very bad year for the GOP.



    • Petetmc3 Says:

      In case you haven’t noticed Obieone has been going around the congress and screwing all of us for the past six years. As a nation we are so desensitized we no longer feel it when we take it up the ass. Be patient JMJ. When Le Load gets in she’ll make Barry look like a choirboy. She is one angry bitch.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        This time, Pant Suits has a record. Sad, but true. And this record is complete with every conceivable crime.Yes, she will fit right in with the agenda in spades.


  5. Petermc3 Says:

    This Iran business has been dragging on since 1979. What’s another nother two years.The Incredible Bulk will be in charge and with Obama as the U.N. Secretary-General we can shred Old Glory like a college student council. Vince Vance and The Valients had it right in their 1980 tune “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran.” But who listens to Rock N Rollers, huh?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Steve Dennis Says:

    Kerry did say if he became President he would make sure his policies passed a global test after all…to hell with the Congress, the US now answers to the UN!

    Liked by 1 person

    • the unit Says:

      Not “like” so much, just agreeing with you.
      We all know Kerry and O will subject us to the UN.
      Libya…I’m sure we haven’t forgotten.
      In his first address to the nation since launching cruise missiles and airstrikes 10 days ago, Obama on Monday…”We had a unique ability to stop that violence: an international mandate for action, a broad coalition prepared to join us, the support of Arab countries and a plea from the Libyan people themselves.”… (and)…United Nations Security Council approval to act.
      Want a good laugh (smh), read the whole article…


    • bunkerville Says:

      The sad part is that he told us ahead of time exactly what he planned to do. Its not like he did it in the dark of the night.


  7. Youngblood Says:

    Do you remember the song, ” High Way to Hell ” by Kiss. Well, we are on it. Thanks to Obama and the progressive left. I do still believe that there is hope for our nation. It depends on how the American people vote this time around. There is corruption in both parties, but the American people should be smart enough to vote for the lesser of the two evils. The majority wanted Obama because he would go down in history as the first black president. I hope that they don’t make the same mistake by electing Hillary. She would be more of the same, may-be worse. There are alot of stupid people that thrive on drama and they will get what they vote for. It’s to bad that the good people have to suffer because of the ignorant. John Kerry is only Obama’s puppet, along with all those other incompetent clowns. I am counting the days down and it can’t be soon enough. I knew that he was not presidential material from the beginning.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks for your fine comment and stopping by. This Hillary business may have given us some hope if she falls by the wayside. stop by again!

      Liked by 1 person

      • the unit Says:

        I hope some young blood do wake up and can’t get love for America out of it’s mind.
        Most of the blogs and bloggers I’m attracted to, are dang nearly as old as me. But they do often allow me to remember old pleasant memories. 🙂


      • geeez2014 Says:

        WHAT FUN! I’ve at least HEARD most songs from this era (and I’m also about that age) but didn’t know this one!
        Thanks…..I love this stuff!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Always On Watch Says:

    The Obama administration has put us on the Road to Damnation. In fact, this administration has put all but the Islamic world on the Road to Damnation.

    Our Constitution is shredded.

    Is there any way back to our republic?

    Liked by 1 person

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