Obama plays the tune again, “We will hunt down terrorists”

Let us hear about the partners who are going to help out our “lead from behind” President. I give you last year’s post, almost to the day. But first-

Adrienne’s Corner about said it all.

Obama: Little man sock puppet president ribbon cutter doing the bidding of his masters…

wondering when his next tee time is. 

“We will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are,” Obama declared in a prime-time address to the nation from the White House. “This is a core principle of my presidency: If you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.”

They’re walking across our Southern borders unimpeded because of your orders.

Has anything changed since September 9, 2013 when I did this post?

WH admits we have zero allies for Syria attack

Too bad Candy Crowley wasn’t as concerned about the truth when she moderated the debate between Romney and Obama. There are zero countries that will stick their neck out to support our one man band Syrian war event. Get off your horse Lurch, and go back and enjoy your rowboat. We are tired of being played as fools by fools.

Recently WSJ reported on John Kerry’s claim that the number of countries supporting a U.S. attack on Syria reached “double digits” but Kerry failed to name any.

JihadWatch noted the following:

Liechtenstein? Luxembourg? Andorra? San Marino? Monaco? Seychelles? Tuvalu? Tannu Tuva? No, not even them. Kerry didn’t name them because he doesn’t have them. He is bluffing.

Apparently, McDonough has a similar problem. In a CNN interview with White House Chief of Staff, Dennis McDonough was repeatedly pressed by Candy Crowley to provide examples of countries that will endorse or provide personnel or equipment for a military intervention in Syria. McDonough emphasized other nations condemnations of Syria but no specifics on support for intervention. The key WH strategy seems to be the repeated memo phrase:  ”Holding him [Syria] to account,” and vague references of “support.”

H/T:Gateway Pundit

Published on Sep 8, 2013

Appearing on CNN on September 8, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough couldn’t provide one example of a country currently offering military support for an intervention in Syria.

McDonough Admits It’s a Coalition of One

30 Responses to “Obama plays the tune again, “We will hunt down terrorists””

  1. Paladin Says:

    Now that the election is safely in the bag, Candy presses the issue. Sheesh, these people. Wouldn’t it be nice to actually have reporters that actually reported the news instead of leftist propaganda? But they will return to their usual acerbic selves as soon as a Republican is in the White House. Unfortunately, the stench of the leftist slant will remain.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Citizen Tom Says:

    I finally took the time to read Obama’s speech. What rot! I am glad I did not waste time listening to him. When neither what he says happened nor what he says he is going to do are true, what is the point of listening to the man?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mcnorman Says:

    And this is how they celebrate.

    If you have a twitter account, flag it.


  4. Petermc3 Says:

    One should feel bad for Zero. Here he is bogged down with this middle east crap unable to devote his energies towards destroying NFL commussioner Roger Goodell, the racist Redskins, birth control, keeping our southern borders open and whether or not to sic the IRS on those three golf courses in Westchester County, NY. He may need to resume his chain smoking.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    Bunker, check your spam filter, please. My comment disappeared.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    So, part of his plan is to continue to give arms to “moderate” Muslim groups in Syria who will continue to sell them to ISIS and will continue to fight along side of ISIS. In other words, he wants to bomb the same people he is arming. So, is Assad now his friend? Are we now allied with Iran?
    The man is an idiot and those in the Pentagon and our allies that are going along with this fiasco are also idiots!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. zip Says:

    Good one Bunker! The ‘girlie man’ … which in the real sense of manhood, isn’t. “Sock Puppets for WAR” should be their banner and T-shirt.
    In your post title you state: God … Who is, to this Regime, a Terrorist to their dark agenda. Notice that Allah’s okay though, so what does that say about him and his?
    The CNN host – how is it that milky-slim – better then thou – talk is so characteristic of the ‘lie enablers’? She can’t understand (which is symptomatic of the real problem) why other countries don’t want to come out and play “Sock Puppet Games” with her idolized fraud Prez! ‘Foolishness’ today is coined a Wise and all-seeing, all- knowing (NSA Intelligence)! Puffed-up blimps. USA being USED by global elites and central bankers to do their bidding (killing).

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Angel Says:

    God bless you my patriotic friend on this Sept 11th..I shall light candles at the Memorial …

    Liked by 2 people

  9. bunkerville Says:

    I am with you totally. I surfed this morning as well between Fox and MSNBC. Talking out of both sides of their mouths. When will we learn not to fight wars by politicians but by the military and never ever go to war if it is not to win.


  10. Petermc3 Says:

    This morning ‘s surfing of Fox and MSNBC found the talking heads unable to say what we all should surmise after Obummer’s hollow words last night: He said nothing! Instead they chose to defer to his new found love and recognition of American exceptionalism Newly arrived visitors from another planet would believe that Zero has united the world into one mighty coalition to fight and defeat his Islamic brethren. It is sad to know that his 9/11 eve political grandstanding using this American tragedy as a backdrop will not he called as such by the MSM, including FOX so far. Will clearer and honest heads prevail ? We shall wait and see.

    Liked by 1 person

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