Obama’s latest Executive Order bans Import of Russian-made AK 47

While we were looking the other way, Obama did not let this latest crisis go to waste in attacking our Second Amendment. Amazing how his devilish minions are always at the ready.Why not use the Ukrainian crisis and about 300 dead. This is really going to put Putin back on his heels. Our latest Friday “dump.” Note he uses the“National emergency powers” he believes he has. Here we go:

Outlaws  import of Russian-made AK-47 rifles with stroke of his unconstitutional pen



According to a Presidential Executive Order issued Wednesday, the importation of AKs manufactured by theKalashnikov Concern in Izhmash, Russia has been banned.

This includes the popular “Saiga” line of rifles and shotguns.

The sanctions were taken because of Russia’s aggression toward the Ukraine. Russian banks and energy companies were also targeted.

To be clear, the executive order does not affect Izhmash or Saiga firearms already in this country. This is not an “assault weapons” ban. Instead, it halts the importation of firearms from the Izhmash-based firm.

The news was released without fanfare, when the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) added Kalashnikov Concern and other Russian businesses to its “Specially Designated Nationals” or “SDN” sanctions list.

Obama exploited the conflict in Ukraine to target the importation of the popular AK line of firearms manufactured by Kalashnikov Concern in Izhmash, Russia. The unconstitutional ban includes the Saiga line of rifles and shotguns.

The OFAC, according to its website, “administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States.”

The criminalization of an entire line of foreign manufactured firearms is possible under “national emergency powers” and there is no appeal process.

“Many of the sanctions are based on United Nations and other international mandates, are multilateral in scope, and involve close cooperation with allied governments,” according to the Treasury Department.

In a statement on their website issued early Thursday, Kalashnikov Concern noted that the sanctions will hurt U.S. consumers.

“It should be noted that the production of ‘Kalashnikov’ in the U.S. enjoys high demand, pre-order products civilian three times the annual volume of deliveries. Thus, taken in relation to ‘Kalashnikov’ sanctions the U.S. government go against the interests of American consumers,” the statement reads.”

It was founded in 1807, and exports arms and tools to 27 countries, including:  USA, UK, Germany, Norway, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan and Thailand.

H/T: Gun Writer blog and Inforwars

27 Responses to “Obama’s latest Executive Order bans Import of Russian-made AK 47”

  1. Fredrick Schwartz, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H. [Journ.] Says:

    The Federal register shows that this was not some “dump” or even a new Executive Order. This order has been on the books since March 2014. The constitutional basis of this power is 50 USC §§1701-1707 or the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 passed by the US Congress and signed into law on 28 October 1977. The law was passed to reduce executive power that had been vested in the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917 which the Supreme Court decided the Executive Branch had utilized unconstitutionally, partially, in the case of Youngstown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer [343 U.S. 579] (1952).


    • bunkerville Says:

      Ukraine-related Sanctions; Publication of Executive Order 13662 Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List

      Look at the E.O. Look at the website from the company. Try not to get bogged down in your look look exceptional B.S.


      • Fredrick Schwartz, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H. [Journ.] Says:

        I’m reading the EO even as I type this and it looks no different than bans on the import of weapons from Iran or North Korea. Russia is a bad actor in the region, thus sanctions are applied to try to get them to stop being bad actors. So what’s the problem?


      • bunkerville Says:

        The only result of this is that the U,S, will not buy Russian weapons. But then, we never did. What it did was stop the import of the AK 47 which I am sure you are happy about.


      • Fredrick Schwartz, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H. [Journ.] Says:

        It is a small percentage of the nearly $5 billion weapons market in the United States. It is being portrayed poorly as a ban on these weapons on some conservative blogs when it is actually a ban on imports via sanctions as you state. As far as harming consumers I doubt if anyone who can afford a $600 rifle can’t get a Saiga they will fall into a deep despair which will make them not buy an American rifle or another at a similar price.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Many believe it is just the first start in hindering our 2nd amendment. Thanks for a good discussion.


      • Fredrick Schwartz, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H. [Journ.] Says:

        I’ve often wondered just how the US government would go about verifying they had taken all the banned weapons. I don’t believe there is any realistic motivation to do this since it would require a change to the Constitution.


  2. bydesign001 Says:

    Obama is an evil sob.


  3. Petermc3 Says:

    Unlike law abiding, registered gun owners, the gangs and cartels here can continue their acquisition of AK-47s through their normal outlets. No biggie…


  4. Petermc3 Says:

    Hey Jersey, I still have my real penis, wait let me check. Yep it’s real. Of course that could all change with a pen and a phone.


  5. Steve Dennis Says:

    Well, he sure slipped this one by us didn’t he? Talk about not letting a crisis go to waste! He must have been sitting on this one just waiting for the right moment.


  6. Always On Watch Says:

    Obama bragged, “I have a phone and a pen.”

    The man is drunk with power. Wake up, America!


  7. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.


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