Fallujah falls to Al-Qaeda, does anyone care??

Without so much as a comment from much of anyone, the hard fought battle for Iraq goes down the tube. Afghanistan is next on the list. Why? Because once again, our military battles are nothing more than political scores to settle, and this is one Obama wanted us to lose. So now we put on the turbans, nose rings, and bring out the Korans for our Military. Let our enemies know  no need to hide in a trojan horse to gain access through our gates. Our gates welcome you.

On a personal note, feeling a bit better and look forward to getting around to my favorites bloggers. Thanks for hanging in.

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz Reports from Iraq: There are “2,000 Hard-Core Al-Qaeda” in Iraq and Growing; Capable of “Serious Assaults”; U.S. Sending Arms to Iraqi Military – Video 1/23/14

Here is ABC News’ Martha Raddatz reporting from Iraq, where she said the United States has sent arms to help the Iraqi Military fight Al-Qaeda forces that have taken control of Fallujah. Raddatz reports there are 2,000 “hard-core Al-Qaeda” in Iraq now, capable of serious assaults. “An astonishing number” she said – especially when President Obama dismisses the Al-Qaeda gains as being like a “Jayvee” basketball team.

Obama’s failed, weak Foreign Policy is on full display.

Via Right Pundit

H/T:Freedom’s Lighthouse

21 Responses to “Fallujah falls to Al-Qaeda, does anyone care??”

  1. Always On Watch Says:

    Linked in today’s “Nincompoopery” post.


  2. Always On Watch Says:

    More of Obama’s beloved “Arab Spring.”


  3. Petermc3 Says:

    Sadly, we learned nothing from the long history of the Soviet involvement in Afghanistan and their final intervention culminating in nine years of a war they eventually resigned from. Beside dead soldiers they also left behind infrastructure, schools, etc yet failed to win any hearts or minds. Of course this is a simplistic overview. An Iraqi national lied to our intelligence community about WMD’s and which we bought hook, line and sinker; just the motivation needed to call out the government contractors and create a ten year payday. Gee, kinda resembles another fiasco called Obalamacare. Nothing new under the sun.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I agree as well. I object to this story being buried. We are trying to civilize much of the world that does not respect life. We have evolved to appreciate the preciousness of it. But as long as one has 70 some virgins waiting, life has little meaning.


  4. Ducky's here Says:

    But “Knuckles” McCain told us all that the surge worked.

    Everyone was singing the praises of “the surge”. Democracy came to Iraq. Purple thumbs. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

    Was that all nonsense?


  5. Kurt Silverfiddle Says:

    I don’t care. Iraq has always been a sectarian cauldron of hatred kept from boiling over only by a cruel tyrant. The Shia majority is in control now and running roughshod over the Sunnis, leaving an opening for AQ to ride in like the cavalry.

    We should have never gone in there, and I say that as someone who served over there. Sunnis and Shia have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of their religion, and an American presence won’t change that.

    I hope we learn a lesson then next time some yahoos start beating war drums and demanding we sacrifice innocent lives to Moloch and Saturn.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I agree for the most part with you. Since Vietnam,we have never gone to war to win. The Ottoman Empire rises again. We learned how to do it with japan. Turn the Middle East into glass or stay home. To “surge” the troops and then tell the enemy we are leaving is absurd. What if we had told Germany that? In the end, you are no doubt right. Let them kill each other. Meanwhile much of the world is in flames. I don’t see a happy ending once they start nuking. Thanks for stopping by.


  6. mcnorman Says:

    The MSM is too busy with what Just Bieber is doing right now. MSM = FAIL


  7. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    So glad to hear that you are feeling, at least, a little better, my friend.

    Iraq and chaos _ did not many of us predict exactly this? Through our “nation building” policies, we allowed an Iranian allied regime to come to power in Iraq (the people’s choice?). Now Iran is using Iraq air-space to deliver arms and support to Assad in Syria, where we are support al Qaeda elements against Assad. So, we are supposed to surprised when the so-called Arab Spring takes root in Iraq, as welll? I’ve said before: we have no friends in that region, only enemies.


  8. Richard M Nixon (Deceased) Says:

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.


  9. LadyRavenSDC Says:

    Reblogged this on LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH! and commented:
    Bunkerville – “This is one Obama wanted us to lose. So now we put on the turbans, nose rings, and bring out the Korans for our Military. Let our enemies know no need to hide in a trojan horse to gain access through our gates. Our gates welcome you.”
    There are words that sadden or outrage. These words provoke both in me.
    I will never, ever, say our men and women, or the Iraqi people died for nothing in Iraq – but I would like to stand Hussein Obama up against a wall and three inches from his nose demand – WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING!?!


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