Bill Ayers: I get up every morning and think…today I’m going to end capitalism

 Bill Ayes,  ever the optimist says he wakes up each day thinking this  is the day to end Capitalism. Looks like your friend Barack is doing all he can to do just that. Keep the faith Bill, you are getting there. Still we have those who can’t get a grasp of what we have in the WH.

The videp below is a well documented and interesting look at Barack Hussein Obama’s close ties with marxists, racists, and anti-American terrorists


16 Responses to “Bill Ayers: I get up every morning and think…today I’m going to end capitalism”

  1. Bob Mack Says:


    “Spring is sprung, the grass is ris’, and we know where the Redbirds is…”


  2. Springtime In Obama Nation | Be Sure You're RIGHT, Then Go Ahead Says:

    […] Bunkerville – Bill Ayers: I get up every morning and think…today I’m going to end capitalism Courier Service:FacebookTwitterDiggEmailPrintMoreRedditStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to […]


  3. Z Says:

    When I first heard Obama try to hide the truth about his association with Ayers, I knew he was incredibly disingenuous…hear that part in the Hannity video? He bemoans the fact that some people might hold him responsible for “actions Ayers did when I was eight years old”,…as if somebody’d accused of Obama of having been WITH Ayers during his terrorism days? Ya, Mr. Obama, if you are that friendly (and, remember, Ayers held Obama’s first ‘campaign coffee’ in his living room, they were on Boards together, their wives worked together, etc) with a guy who did things THAT horrible when you were 8, you should be asked about it… To try to slough it off with “when I was 8” is truly dishonest. Senator Byrd was a Klan recruiter in his younger days…I wouldn’t want to be a friend of HIS no matter how much he said he’d changed.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Excellent anlysis. He was sophisticated enough to know he should not hang with these types when running for Congress, but the fix was in,so that it did not concern him. After all Chicago politcs. It was all there for the MSM to reveal, but no one cared to vett him.


  4. TexasFred Says:

    The insanity of the Left never ceases to amaze me…


  5. Teresa Rice Says:

    Why is it that progressives are so drawn to and enamored with terrorists and anti-America radicals?


    • bunkerville Says:

      You raise an interesting question. Apparently they are not students of history or they would know how the end of this story will end if they have their way, and it will not be as they think it will be. They will be the first on the list as troublemakers.


  6. genomega1 Says:

    Reblogged this on Not Good News.


  7. Always On Watch Says:

    And Ayers’s salary was paid by whom? The taxpayers, of course! Isn’t he living off a taxpayer-funded pension right now?


  8. silverfiddle Says:

    And the state of Illinois gave this dingbat terrorist a prominent university teaching job…


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