Senator Daniel Inouye warned of Shadow Government

By now most have heard of the passing of Senator Inouye. All the big names came forward to pay homage to the oldest serving Senator. He of all people understood what happens when the government goes astray. A witness to the internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans during WW II. He warned us at a 1987 hearing. Unfortunately, he lost his way in his warning.  Later, in several videos I watched when others at later hearings starting giving the same warnings and tried to inform, he warned them to be quiet that “it was classified material”. Just for the record:

Recall Senator Daniel K. Inouye in 1987 Chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, which held public hearings on the Iran-Contra affair.

Senator Inouye, summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying:

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”


Obama spoke about Inouye during a memorial service at theWashington National Cathedral on Dec. 21, saying the Hawaii senator had been one of his “earliest political inspirations.”The president said the late senator had served the country with“fundamental integrity.”

Speaking at the service in Hawaii, Locklear said Inouye“was in every way a giant. We have lost an irreplaceable American.”

13 Responses to “Senator Daniel Inouye warned of Shadow Government”

  1. Alana Says:

    Inouye voted for Hillary in the primaries as he explained to a reporter because no one has heard of Obama. The Democrats (with Inouye as dictator) have had a death grip on this state since 1954 and continue to “represent” us in the state legislature at saturation levels.

    If one should doubt that power tends to corrupt, come study the politics of the 50th state go to for an education of our state and leaders.


  2. DCObserver Says:

    He didn’t warn of the shadow government, he was the shadow government. He is alive and well in a D.U.M.B. right now.


  3. Cheryl Says:

    Makes you wonder who gets to these folks, doesn’t it? Even when we elect some who start out with integrity, something happens in DC to turn them into the very people we don’t want. Drain the swamp….if only we could. What is it? Threat of bankruptcy, threats against their lives and families? I don’t think even term limits would fix this problem….Alas.


  4. Always On Watch Says:

    Bunkervile accurately stated in a comment here:

    This is what happens when we go over to the dark side for a good cause– one we believe is good– but not constitutional. The precedent is set.

    As a whole, our leadership today has lost its moral compass. Thus, the Shadow Government today carries evil in its heart.

    God help us.


  5. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    The shadow grows larger and darker and no one even questions its existance. Our nation is in very deep trouble because of those in the shadows. Sadly, they will never get the blame they so richly deserve. Benghazi was their fault!


    • bunkerville Says:

      This is what happens when we go over to the dark side for a good cause– one we believe is good– but not constitutional. The precedent is set. Same with NDAA.


    • Rusty Says:

      You are just an unintelligent paranoid. In my mind I could create nirvana, but in reality there is none.Face the facts. Obama is President and country is on the the rebound.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Thanks for the intelligent conversation. If you have a different point of view, make it. Typical progressive logic. Attack the messenger but not the message.


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